Connection Wednesdays – CHS joints in practice
20/02/2019 / 00:00(in Ihrer Ortszeit, 24-Stunden-Format)
Webinar Datum:
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- Deep understanding of possibilities of manufacturing operations
- Straightforward approach doesn’t work? Finding workaround may help
- Tips and tricks for more effective design in IDEA StatiCa Connection
- Innovative CBFEM method analysis

Vit Hurcik
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa

David Kucera
Produkt Ingenieur
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa
CHS joints are very common in steel structures these days and the variety of the topologies and possible design is enormous.
This pushes IDEA StatiCa Connection onto the edge of possibilities what can be easily accomplished in a minute. We are going to take a tour into the unknown tips for advanced design on CHS joints.
- Customer project – CHS bracing joint stiffened by plates
- How to make stiffeners in CHS joint – Design hint
- Doubler on CHS member, how – Design hint
During the webinar, you will see the whole workflow of modeling, loading, and code-check of one interesting steel joint.
In addition, we will go through “HelpDesk highlights” – a vibrant topic from our support desk and our customer’s suggestions. At the end of each webinar, there will be a Q&A section to discuss any questions.
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