Internal forces and load cases in TDA

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TDA (Time Dependent Analysis) is performed with increments of loads in all construction stages. Everything can be shown on the following simple scheme of stages (visible in Construction stages menu after switching to History of loads).

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TDA in IDEA StatiCa Beam use several fundamental types of load cases:

Geffects of permanent loads
SW (SWS)effects of self-weight (alt. weight of composite slab or diaphragms, etc.)
Reffects of rheology caused by permanent loads
Qeffects of variable loads

Indexing G(6) stands for an increment of permanent loads applied in construction stage no. 6 (superimposed dead load as an example).

R(6) represents an increment of rheology (creep and shrinkage) between construction stages no. 5 and 6. If we would like to see the results in stage no. 6 without elastic increment of permanent loads from that stage, there is a possibility to create a user-defined combination as a copy from stage no. 5 with addition of load case R(6). The list of LC contained in such combination would be as followed (stage no. 3 is switched off):

CO1: SW(1) + G(2) + POST(2) + R(2) + SWS(4) + R(4) + G(5) + R(5) + R(6)

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