Presentation of relevant curve results in detailed graphs in IDEA StatiCa Detail

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The IDEA StatiCa Detail application allows you to visualize load-deformation, stress, strain, and other relevant curves directly within the detailed scene for a selected structure component.

This is achievable through a combination of "Shift" + left mouse click or the right mouse click context menu. The displayed curve encompasses all calculated load increments for the chosen load case or combination. A specific load increment, as selected from the ribbon, is prominently marked on the chart.

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The horizontal axis of the chart denotes the applied load, with symbols representing 100% of applied prestressing (P), permanent load (G), and variable load (V).

The system provides detailed insights into stresses, strains, deformation, crack width, and anchorage forces, among other parameters.

Additionally, you can export the data displayed in the chart into bitmap, CSV, or DXF formats. This option is accessible through the chart's context menu, allowing for further data analysis and documentation outside the software's environment.

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Released in IDEA StatiCa patch 23.1.3.

Prueba hoy mismo la última versión de IDEA StatiCa

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