Eurocode updates to thin-walled members and anchors

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The calculations of checks by Eurocode are refactored in the Connection application. This also features warnings when the use-case lies out of the validity of the Eurocode.

Eurocode refactoring

To comply with the structure of the application, additional slight changes in the code calculations are present in the following:

  • Improved formulas in Eurocode
  • Improved Check tables with unified subscripts, and units format
  • Improved Report tables
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This EC refactoring is in both Expert and Enhanced editions of IDEA StatiCa Steel.

Range of EC validity

To increase the perceived safety of use, we have added information about the limitation and validity of the checks. These warnings are displayed at the top of the 3D scene.

Thin-walled members 

The warning will tell you when the model stays out of the presumptions given by the Eurocode. This is to improve the safety of the use of application for thin-walled members.

Available in Connection since patch 22.1.5.

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Anchor checks 

The warning will show information about why anchors are failing. Anchor design codes are severely limited, and often we cannot perform anchor checks. Information about the limitation is given on top of the formulas.

Available in Connection since patch 22.1.1.

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Available in both Expert and Enhanced editions of IDEA StatiCa Steel.

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Release notes IDEA StatiCa 23.0