2018-08-14T00:00:00.0000000Z(helyi időzónában, 24 órás formátumban)
Webinárium dátuma:
Csatlakozzon a webinárhoz, és ismerkedjen meg a
- How to model, load and support prefabricated reinforced concrete beam in a 3D
- How to reinforce and code-check the beam
- How to set the analysis for correct design
- How to model, load, reinforce and calculate hanging in transport stage of a beam
- How to use IDEA StatiCa Detail
- Deliver clear results and plot them in a nice report

Jana Kaderova
Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa

Filip Adler
Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa
We will show the practical workflow on how to design more challenging reinforced concrete beams in IDEA StatiCa Beam and one particular example of hanging in IDEA StatiCa Detail.
From time to time we get to design more challenging reinforced concrete beams than usual. How to solve them with the more advanced approach with construction stages and all challenges in the design process? We will do our best to show practical workflow how to do that in IDEA StatiCa Beam and we will show one particular example of hanging in IDEA StatiCa Detail.
Calculate yesterday’s estimates with IDEA StatiCa!