2019-11-26T00:00:00.0000000Z(helyi időzónában, 24 órás formátumban)
Webinárium dátuma:
Csatlakozzon a webinárhoz, és ismerkedjen meg a
- Eurocode design for steel to concrete joints
- Pain points for steel to concrete joints
- CBFEM design method
- PROFIS Engineering demo
- Validation of results

IDEA StatiCa

When it comes to designing steel structures, a large amount of time is spent on designing and detailing steel to concrete joints, where the correct fastening of the steel-to-concrete elements is key not only for local load transmission but also for the overall structure’s integrity. Today, the regulatory framework in Europe requires the verification of structural components in steel to concrete joints per EN1993-1-8. The new regulation also requires anchorage and plate bending verifications per EN1992-4.
Let’s reduce the spent time with the new Profis Engineering with integrated CBFEM. We will describe the design process in the new Profis Engineering and its new possibilities which go hand in hand with the integration of the Component-Based Finite Element Method (CBFEM).
The CBFEM is a powerful tool created to help accelerate engineers' work and produce safe and code-compliant design and detailing. We would like to invite you to a webinar on the topic of steel to concrete joints, focused on the Component-Based Finite Element Method in PROFIS Engineering.