Webinar: Design of Steel to Concrete Connections including Base Plates

    Webinárium dátuma:

  • 28/06/2023 / 16:00
    (helyi időzónában, 24 órás formátumban)

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  • Base plate operation and the options available
  • Anchor grid operation
  • Anchorage analysis results and code check
  • Summary of base plates verifications by University of Tennessee 


Andrea Castelo
Andrea Castelo Product Engineer
David Eckrote
David Eckrote Director
Jason McNeil
Jason McNeil Regional Engineer
Steel base plate connections to concrete foundations or other concrete elements are critical to successfully transferring forces from the main structure to the ground. IDEA StatiCa helps you to model and design them. Join this webinar to learn all about steel to concrete joints.

This session will cover the modeling options for creating steel-to-concrete joints and the code checks of anchors, concrete block compressive resistance, and shear lugs. 

Moreover, different modeling techniques will be shared, like base plate operations options, anchor operation to create a custom base plate or steel frame connections to a concrete wall, code set-up options for anchors, and the use of contact and weld operation simultaneously. 

Finally, we will discuss resources available to review the AISC and ACI code check formulas used in the software and our latest verification study, where traditional calculation methods used in US practice for base plate connections were compared to the IDEA StatiCa results.

PDF Slide deck

Webinar recording