Grasshopper API link - how to create an IDEA StatiCa IOM file for imports (01)

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an IOM file from a template and work with it in Grasshopper 3D. REMARK: This manual is valid for versions up to 24.1.2

Grasshopper - Installazione del plugin

È possibile ottenere una versione di prova di Rhino3d e Grasshopper dal sito web di Rhino3d. Esegui Rhinoceros e seleziona il modello con Meters:

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Nella riga di comando, inserisci "Package Manager":

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Appare una nuova finestra; selezionare IDEAStatiCa e fare clic su Installa. Il plugin verrà scaricato e installato. Per essere attivo, è necessario riavviare Rhinoceros.

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Per avviare Grasshopper con il plugin IDEA StatiCa, selezionare Strumenti / Grasshopper nella scheda Rhihoceros.

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Come si può vedere, il plugin è già incorporato.

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Per conoscere i componenti e i comandi del plugin IDEA StatiCa per Grasshopper, consultare l'articolo Descrizione dei componenti del plugin per Grasshopper.

IDEA StatiCa Connection - Design of a joint and IOM export

For the example, you will create a simple moment connection using a template:

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To be able to work with IOM, it is necessary to enable the Developer tab in Preferences / Advance Settings

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Finally, you can save this connection under the name Example1.ideaCon and also export this connection to the IOM file Example1.xml.

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Grasshopper - Import the IOM file, display the joint in Rhino, and see the calculation results

Create a new document, select the tab Params in the upper ribbon, and place the component File Path on the Canvas. 

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Right-click on the component and select the file we saved before: 

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Note: If you open the attached file, you must change this path accordingly. 

Now add the following components to the canvas and connect them as seen in the picture.

IDEA StatiCa / Open Model / Import IOM File
IDEA StatiCa / Open Model / Deconstruct Open Model
IDEA StatiCa / Connection / Create Connection from IOM
IDEA StatiCa / Connection / Calculate Connection
IDEA StatiCa / Connection / Connection Results
Params / Input / Boolean Toggle
Params / Input / Boolean Toggle
Params / Input / Panel

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To run the calculation and get visible results, double-click on False/True. As you added the component Deconstruct Open Model, you can also see the contours of the joint in the Rhinoceros.

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More complex examples can be found on your PC in the directory


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