Connection Wednesdays - Horizontal tying & welding improvements

    Data webinar:

  • 2022-11-16T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)

Partecipa al webinar e scopri di più

  • The importance of mitigating the potential failure of a structure from an unspecified cause
  • How to provide sufficient robustness using the horizontal tying check for connections
  • How to use welds with contacts to pass compression forces through bearing
  • The practical limitations of welds with contacts


Costis Hatzopoulos
Costis Hatzopoulos Support Manager
Ralph Pullinger
Ralph Pullinger Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Steel connection design is often limited to assessing the detail strength and of course minimizing erection and fabrications costs. However, connections can also serve as a means of preventing a disproportionate collapse in multi-story buildings by providing enough horizontal tying resistance.

Tying Resistance analysis

Adequate tying resistance is a design code requirement for multi-story steel structures. This check ensures that no accidental or disproportionate collapse will occur. In the context of the Eurocodes, this is part of the robustness requirements as defined in part “EN 1991-1-7 -Actions on structures. General actions. Accidental actions”; learn more in the blog by Ralph Pullinger.

For steel framed buildings, tying resistance is provided by adequate connection design although as buildings get more complex other factors might come into play.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate the use of this new type of analysis during connection design and cover some of the theoretical aspects that make this analysis tick.

Weld with contacts

Why should you bother about welds coexisting with contact elements on the same edge? Initially, this may not appear to be something big. However, there are cases like highly compressed columns where load passes – at least partially – through the bearing. For these cases, this functionality can save the day, as the available guidance allows the use of nominal weld sizes without further checking.

In the webinar, we will demonstrate how this feature can give results that match the ones in the available guidance and investigate the preconditions for using this approach as ensuring that force passes through the bearing requires some additional fabrication work.

What do we have for you next?

If you want to learn more about how to most effectively use IDEA StatiCa we have some additional recordings from past webinars:

Try it on your own - get the free Trial license and follow the step-by-step tutorial for a simple steel connection or structural design of steel beam.

Webinar recording