2017-10-25T00:00:00.0000000Z(nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)
Data webinar:
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- New report
- Intermittent and partial welds
- Slotted holes
- General anchoring
- Contacts edge-surface / edge-edge
- Improved CAD links – Advance Steel and Tekla
- Improved FEA links – fast refresh of exported joints

Vit Hurcik
Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa

Jana Kaderova
Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa
We are happy to announce the next version of IDEA StatiCa. Its scope was defined by feedback of over 1000 customers from around the world.
The highlights are:
Brand new report – completely modular and with all code-check formulas
Intermittent and partial welds
General anchoring
Slotted holes
Contacts edge-surface / edge-edge
Improved CAD links – Advance Steel and Tekla
Improved FEA links – a fast refresh of exported joints
and more ….
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