Vlastimil Konecny

Vlastimil Konecny

Product Engineer

Artikelen van auteur

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What is Buckling?
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Los elk prefab betonelement op
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Aandacht voor Detail(s)
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Verlies geen tijd met SLS-controles

Webinars van auteur

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Master your connections - Complex connections
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Master your connections - Moment connections
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Master your connections - Getting started
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What's new in IDEA StatiCa 24.0 (APAC)
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What's new in IDEA StatiCa 23.1 (APAC)
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Solve critical parts of shear walls
How to deal with beam openings
How to deal with beam openings
Design any architectural shape
Design any architectural shape
Code-check van muren en diepe liggers
Code-check van muren en diepe liggers