Connection Wednesdays - Buckling analysis - an important piece of connection assessment

    Webinar datum:

  • 2023-04-05T09:00:00.0000000Z
    (in uw lokale tijd, 24-uurs formaat)

Volg het webinar en leer meer over

  • why not to underestimate buckling
  • applied theory (buckling shapes, critical load factor)
  • practical demonstration on a connection model
  • how to handle the thin-walled connections


Alexander Szotkowski
Alexander Szotkowski Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Jan Kubicek
Jan Kubicek Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
What is buckling?  Do I have to care about it? If you start to ask these questions, you are on the right track. This webinar brings a summary of information needed to successfully evaluate buckling issues within a design of a steel joint.

Buckling, shapes, and factors

During the webinar, we will summarize the main principles of this form of structural instability called buckling. We will recap the theory about the shapes and critical load factor and bring an example with actual results. A recommendation to solve insufficient results is included. 

inline image in article

Hollow cross-sections and thin-walled members 

We will also tackle the hollow cross-section joints where the criteria for the ultimate limit state is the out-of-plane deformation.  

Software IDEA StatiCa Connection is dedicated to the assessment of connections of hot-rolled members. It was not validated for the design of connections of thin-walled members, which is very case-specific, but we will summarize the recommendations for them.

What more?

Learn more about global buckling and stability issues, that can be analyzed and checked in the application IDEA StatiCa Member:

Webinar recording