Last chance before prices go up!
Get your special deal & money-back guarantee until Dec 31, 2021.
The promo ends in
Timpul a expirat!
Why buy right now?
- Last chance to use pricing and discounts of the 2021 pricelist
- Secure the Maintenance or Subscription pricing for future renewals*
- 30% discount for 2nd and next license
- 50% bulk discount for purchase of 5 licenses
- Money-back guarantee for 2 months
- Spread the purchase in up to 3 installments
- 50% discount on Campus e-learning course
- FREE book about steel and/or concrete design
* If the Maintenance and Subscription contract is renewed continuously on time, the annual renewal price can only increase by an annual rate of inflation stated in IDEA StatiCa EULA. Future pricing changes will not affect already existing contracts.

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