Capacity design according to Chinese standard

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Capacity design is a part of seismic check and ensures that the joint has sufficient deformation capacity.

The connections must be able to safely transfer the force necessary to create a plastic hinge in a dissipative item. The dissipative item is selected by user alongside with the connection coefficient ηj taken from GB 50017-2017, Table 17.2.9. The connection coefficient ηj is divided between the overstrength factor γov and strain-hardening factor γsh; ηj = γovγsh. Strain-hardening factor γsh is defined by the user, and it is recommended as γsh = 1.1 for beam in moment resisting frame and γsh = 1.0 for other dissipative items. It is recommended to choose the safer ηj; e.g. ηj = 1.35 for the dissipative beam from steel grade Q345 in the moment resisting frame for the checks of both welds and bolts.

Connection coefficient ηj according to Table 17.2.9

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Material diagram of the dissipative item

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