10 Most Frequently Asked Questions for 3D anchoring in Detail app
2025-03-26T10:00:00.0000000Z(în ora dvs. locală, format de 24 de ore)
Data webinarului:
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- The theory behind 3D CSFM in Detail app
- Resolving stop criteria and model divergency
- Importance of reinforcement detailing rules
- Shear force transfer and anchor bond stress options

Lukas Juricek
Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa

Ondrej Balkansky
Sales Consultant
IDEA StatiCa
IDEA StatiCa
Want to ensure top-notch reinforcement in your anchoring design? Discover the power of 3D finite elements in Detail! We’ll break down complex anchoring, share expert tips, and help you master anchoring design—whether you're a beginner or a pro.
Why should you join?
The webinar aims to clarify the key aspects of general anchoring design. It will explain how to set up the mesh settings for dynamic pre-design and optimization, identify potential reasons for model divergence, and provide guidance on how to unlock the full potential of the solution. Additionally, the webinar will help you address issues immediately without having to spend time searching for solutions online. After the webinar, you will be more confident in your anchoring design and using CSFM .
A column with multiple anchorings where we will tackle topics below:
- Fundamental theory behind 3D CSFM
- Stop criteria and why are in-built
- Detailing rules and consequences if you break them
- Shear force transfer mechanisms
- Bond stress for cast-in-place/adhesive anchors
- Dissimilarities and procedures for flexible vs. rigid base plate
- Pad overturning and how to prevent this failure mode
- Post-processing and detailed results explanation
Learn more about standard anchoring design in IDEA StatiCa applications:
- Theoretical background for code-checks of anchors
- Import of anchoring from Connection to Detail
- Theoretical background for structural design of concrete 3D discontinuities