Jana Kaděrová

Jana Kaděrová

Produktová inženýrka IDEA StatiCa

Další články od tohoto autora

Curing Spreadsheet Headaches with Parametric Templates
Curing spreadsheet headaches with parametric templates
Vlastní tíha už vás nemusí tížit
Vlastní tíha už vás nemusí tížit
Vzájemné zarovnání povrchů prvků
Zarovnání povrchů prutů vám usnadní práci
Project Viewer – užitečný nástroj pro všechny
Project Viewer – užitečný nástroj pro všechny
Nad boulením uvažujte kriticky!
Export of the beam to IDEA StatiCa Detail
Export of the beam to IDEA StatiCa Detail
Bishopsgate by ARUP
Practical applications of IDEA StatiCa at ARUP
Steel joints with PFCs: problem solved!
Steel joints with PFCs: problem solved!
Přípoje nosníků z UPN profilů - vyřešeno!
Frame joint modeling
Modelování rámového rohu
Kotvení navrženo v aplikaci IDEA StatiCa
Prefabrikovaný železobetonový nosník L průřezu
Reinforced beam of L section
Reinforced beam of L section
Prostorový styčník z uzavřených profilů s výztuhami?
FEM model v IDEA StatiCa Detail
FEM model behind IDEA StatiCa Detail
FEM model behind IDEA StatiCa Detail
Momentový přípoj... od teorie k praxi!
Anchorage zone of prestressed members
Anchorage zone of prestressed members
Kotevní oblast předpjatého nosníku
Prof. Frantisek Wald received the Charles Massonnet Award
Prof. Frantisek Wald received the Charles Massonnet Award
Prof. František Wald obdržel cenu 2018 Charles Massonnet Award
Arch corner with openings made of welded plates
Arch corner with openings made of welded plates
IDEA StatiCa launches in Russia
IDEA StatiCa launches in Russia
IDEA StatiCa má nového partnera v Rusku
Welds in IDEA StatiCa Connection
Use of IDEA StatiCa at Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald testimonial at 2018 User Day, London
How to design balustrade or cantilever anchoring?
How to design balustrade or cantilever anchoring?
Jak správně namodelovat kotvení zábradlí nebo konzoly
Multiple columns in one base plate? NOT A PROBLEM!!
Multiple columns in one base plate? NOT A PROBLEM!!
The prestressed concrete roof slab lightened by polystyrene blocks
The prestressed concrete roof slab lightened by polystyrene blocks
Understanding concrete design reinforcement
Understanding concrete design reinforcement
Model a detail with two trimmed ends
How to model a detail with two trimmed ends composed of two cross-sections?
Prof. Kaufmann’s lecture on IDEA StatiCa Detail
Prof. Kaufmann’s lecture on IDEA StatiCa Detail
Heavy anchoring and shear force transfer?
Heavy anchoring and shear force transfer?
Results of analysis in Detail
Results of analysis in Detail
Mesh sensitivity in IDEA StatiCa Connection
Mesh sensitivity in IDEA StatiCa Connection
Bolts in CBFEM

Další webináře od tohoto autora

Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 24.1
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 24.0
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 24.0
What's new in IDEA StatiCa 23.1 (APAC)
What's new in IDEA StatiCa 23.1 (APAC)
Složitý přípoj nemusí být komplikovaný
Složitý projekt? Sdílejte práci s kolegy
Složitý projekt? Sdílejte práci s kolegy
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 21.1
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 21.1
Začínáme s IDEA StatiCa Connection - Smykové přípoje
Začínáme s IDEA StatiCa Connection - Smykové přípoje
Pokročilý návrh celého kotevního přípoje ocel – beton
Pokročilý návrh celého kotevního přípoje ocel–beton
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 21.0
Možnosti BIM propojení s CAD programy
Možnosti BIM propojení s CAD programy
Connection Wednesdays – 3 most common traps in connection design
Optimalizace kotvení dřevěného sloupu
Optimalizace kotvení dřevěného sloupu
Kotevní styčník balkonu importovaný z Robotu
Connection Wednesdays – Balcony console imported from Robot
Features to correct steel joint design
Connection Wednesdays – Features to correct steel joint design
Connection Wednesdays – How to build a correct model
IDEA StatiCa Member – Solution for buckling
IDEA StatiCa Member – Posudky s vlivem stability
Connection Wednesdays – Meet our cloud solutions
Connection Wednesdays – Meet our cloud solutions
IDEA StatiCa online: řešení v cloudu
Connection Wednesdays – Way too complex joint?
Connection Wednesdays – Way too complex joint?
Barcelona Arts Hotel exterior cross joint
Barcelona Arts Hotel exterior cross joint
Welded frame corner arch with openings
Welded frame corner arch with openings
Design of a 3D joint with 3 SHS and 4 CHS members
Design of a 3D joint with 3 SHS and 4 CHS members
Jak navrhovat ŽB nosníky a jejich detaily
Jak navrhovat ŽB nosníky a jejich detaily
How to design RC beams and their details
How to design RC beams and their details
Dealing with beam details
Dealing with beam details
Jak na nosníkové detaily?
Jak na nosníkové detaily?
Connection Wednesdays – ČEPS tower mast clip joint
Connection Wednesdays – May 2nd
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.0 for Concrete
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.0 for Concrete
Co je nového v IDEA Statica 9.0 Concrete
Co je nového v IDEA Statica 9.0 Concrete
Connection Wednesdays – Anchorage of a spherical storage tank
Connection Wednesdays – April 4th
Connection Wednesdays – March 21st
Connection Wednesdays – March 21st
Connection Wednesdays – February 21st
Connection Wednesdays – February 21st
Connection Wednesdays – January 24th
Connection Wednesdays – January 24th
Connection Wednesdays – December 13th
Connection Wednesdays – December 13th
Connection Wednesdays – November 15th
Connection Wednesdays – November 15th
Connection Wednesdays – November 1st
Connection Wednesdays – November 1st
What is new in IDEA StatiCa 8.2 for Steel
What is new in IDEA StatiCa 8.2 for Steel
Connection Wednesdays – October 18th
Connection Wednesdays – October 18th
Connection Wednesdays – October 4th
Connection Wednesdays – October 4th
Connection Wednesdays – September 6th
Connection Wednesdays – September 6th
Connection Wednesdays – July 19th
Connection Wednesdays – July 19th
Connection Wednesdays – July 12th
Connection Wednesdays – July 12th
Connection Wednesdays – June 28th
Connection Wednesdays – June 28th
Connection Wednesdays – June 21st
Connection Wednesdays – June 21st