Juraj Šabatka

Juraj Šabatka

Obchodní a finanční ředitel IDEA StatiCa

Další články od tohoto autora

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Director needed to lead IDEA StatiCa APAC expansion
Highlights from IDEA Statica 2022
The State of IDEA StatiCa 2023
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IDEA StatiCa pozastavuje dodávky svých technologií do Ruska a Běloruska
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How many connections are not simple?
IDEA StatiCa US office launch
IDEA StatiCa US LLC founded
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IDEA StatiCa v roce 2021
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Kolik stojí výroba styčníku?
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Nová verze IDEA StatiCa 20.1 je na světě!
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Navrhujete a posuzujete ocelové styčníky efektivně?

Další webináře od tohoto autora

Connection Design Automation with IDEA StatiCa and Autodesk
Connection Design Automation with IDEA StatiCa and Autodesk
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What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 20.1 (resellers only)
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.1 for Concrete
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.1 for Concrete
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 9.1 Concrete
Co je nového v IDEA StatiCa 9.1 Concrete
Code check for any steel connection at the BIM table
Code check for any steel connection at the BIM table
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Combine Tekla Structures and IDEA StatiCa for Truly Constructible Complex Connection Design