RISA-3D to IDEA StatiCa workflow

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Provádění globální analýzy v programu FEM-Design
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Export souboru SAF a import do IDEA StatiCa
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Návrh vybraných přípojů
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Posudek a optimalizace přípojů

About the RISA-3D plugin

You can export parts of your RISA-3D model in SAF format containing the model geometry, materials, and cross-sections used, as well as the internal force results for specified load cases and combinations. This allows you to model, design, load, and check steel connections of any topology and loading. IDEA StatiCa and RISA-3D give you an efficient workflow for your structural steel design that saves time, minimizes errors, helps with optimization, and makes the data available to your colleagues or subcontractors doing detailing and fabrication.


  1. This SAF-based integration is developed and maintained by RISA. IDEA StatiCa is not involved in maintaining this integration. All technical requirements and questions should be addressed to RISA directly.
  2. The full workflow for this integration can be found in the following link:

See the below video with the process to import the model into IDEA StatiCa Checkbot.

RISA-3D BIM link video

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