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62 výsledků

What's new in IDEA StatiCa 24.1 (APAC)

Connection Wednesdays - Design of anchorages between steel and concrete

What's new in IDEA StatiCa 24.0 (APAC)

Reinforcement in Detail - Concrete frame corners under bending moments

What's new in IDEA StatiCa 23.1 (APAC)

FE analysis of prestressed concrete beams with large openings

What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 20.1 (resellers only)

Structural optimization of a precast beam

What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 10.1

Cast in situ wall – Ruzomberok (Slovakia)

What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 10.0

Column with bracket according to ACI

BIM – Design and code-check of beams created in SCIA Engineer

What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.1 for Concrete

Design and code check of a diaphragm using IDEA StatiCa Detail

How to design RC beams and their details

Dealing with beam details

What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 9.0 for Concrete

Design and code check of a pylon and indirectly supported corbel

What is new in IDEA StatiCa 8.2 for Concrete