Essential links

ETABS BIM link for connection design tutorial

ETABS BIM link for member design tutorial

ETABS BIM link to Idea StatiCa video

ETABS to IDEA StatiCa workflow

workflow item background image
Perform global analysis in your FEA
workflow item background image
Share structure and forces with IDEA StatiCa
workflow item background image
Design selected connections
workflow item background image
Code-check and optimize connections

About the ETABS plugin

You can select any number of steel connections and members in ETABS and export them to IDEA StatiCa for structural design. All beams, cross-sections, and operations (bolts, holes, welds, and cuts) are also completely synchronized if the ETABS model changes. IDEA StatiCa and ETABS give you an efficient workflow for your structural steel design that saves time, minimizes errors, helps with optimization, and makes the data available to your colleagues or subcontractors doing detailing and fabrication.

The BIM link is managed by IDEA StatiCa Checkbot - an application for the management of BIM workflows. This means for you:

  • Export and synchronize connections and members easily
  • Complete control over all of your imported connections and members
  • A clear list of all imported items including status checked/not-checked
  • 3D visualization of imported members and loads
  • Conversion table for materials and cross-sections
  • Load combinations management

Read more about How Checkbot works.

ETABS BIM link video

How to get started

Getting started is easy!

  • Download and install both applications on the same PC.
  • Open the IDEA Bim Links App - IDEA StatiCa will automatically detect the Installation of the Software.
  • Depending on the version of ETABS, there are some additional manual steps required to finish the integration procedure – follow the instructions in the essential links.
  • Start exporting and designing steel connections right away!

Please note that like with most software, there is always a short delay when new versions are released and the BIM links are updated. Please check out the list of compatible versions before installing the plugin.

Known Limitations

You can find known limitations here.

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Read more about workflows with ETABS