Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 10.0

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IDEA StatiCa introduces the new version 10 bringing you a vast amount of new features and enhancements for Steel applications including a brand-new Steel Member application solving buckling issues.


It’s been a long journey since the first release of IDEA StatiCa Connection in 2014. Back then we introduced a novel approach to design and check steel connections. Based on a unique Component-based Finite Element Method, IDEA StatiCa Connection has quickly grown to be a leading solution in this critical part of a modern BIM-based process of steel structures. Building on the momentum from over 2000 customers around the world, we are expanding the design possibilities and speeding up the work by better integrations of IDEA StatiCa into 3rd party software.

Version 10 is an ambitious one because it aspires to solve a big engineering pain – seismic design of steel connections. And to solve it not just for the handbook and simple connections but for all topologies of connections and joints, loaded in multiple directions. And keep this process in minutes. New Capacity design for seismic check of connections and joints removes the last obstacle for IDEA StatiCa to be used in every project around the world. Reliable and quick connection design in a smooth interface, connected to BIM, that is the new IDEA StatiCa!

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IDEA StatiCa Connection

Seismic check

New Capacity design analysis type replaces the current Member capacity design. The new analysis is capable of code-check joints in seismic areas all around the world because it provides a high-level customization. The Dissipative item operation is added in which members or plates with applied overstrength factor are selected. Also, the strain-hardening factor can be customized. Occurrence of a plastic hinge can be analyzed and proofed. Capacity design analysis is provided for all available codes (EN, AISC, CISC, AS, SP).

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Local deformation check for hollow members

SLS check of cross-section local deformation for hollow members.

Read more about the check in Joints of hollow section cross-section members.

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SP – Russian design code

The Russian steel design code SP 16 for steel-to-steel joints was implemented. Components bolts, preloaded bolts and welds are checked according to SP 16 including detailing. Detailing check for bolts was implemented too.

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Steel grades, bolt grades, and typical Russian steel cross-sections are now listed in the library.

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Manufacturing operations

  • Stiffener – can be added automatically to welded cross-sections too. The stiffener itself changes its dimensions according to the smaller flange now.
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  • Welding of hollow section members on each other (by means of bounding box method). Even different thicknesses can be welded together.
  • Mitre cut for stiffening members – stiffening member can be cut and welded on both sides in mitre cut manufacturing operations.
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  • Hollow member cut by a plate – for the gusset plates, the true contour is cut into the hollow member now.
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IDEA StatiCa Code-check manager

CAD links update

A lot of effort was put to improve BIM procedure in the way of better detection of the welds. In the version 10.0, welds longitudinal to the beam are imported correctly in frame joints.

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FEA links update

The BIM link with SAP2000 was updated so that the current version of SAP2000 21.0 is fully supported now.

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IDEA StatiCa Steel Member

Steel member is a brand-new application which takes the Component-based finite element method from IDEA StatiCa Connection and applies it on a bigger scale – to whole parts of a structure: members, columns and frames.

The application is aiming to analyze the beam buckling and lateral-torsional buckling phenomena considering the real influence of the end and intermediate joints. Engineers will perform the basic beam stability analysis in FEA applications still in a way that they are used to. IDEA StatiCa Steel Member will allow more precise analysis of atypical or complicated members.

IDEA StatiCa 10.0 brings a BETA version of IDEA StatiCa Steel Member for structural analysis and design of bar members (beams, columns, diagonals, etc.) to demonstrate the calculation possibilities. BETA version is not publicly available. If you are interested to receive a BETA testing pack (a tutorial, an explanatory video and a feedback form), contact you reseller or directly IDEA StatiCa at

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