IDEA StatiCa 22.1 is alive!

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The new version of IDEA StatiCa 22.1 is officially alive! Download it and discover all the new features and improvements. IDEA StatiCa 22.1 gives you more options in designing and code-checking steel connections and concrete members.

Note: Connection Browser was renamed to Connection Library with version 23.0 (April, 2023).

High temperatures will not burn you anymore! With the operation Fire resistance code-check, you will not only be much above the norm, but you can also analyze the fire resistance of connections and beams exposed to the thermal effects of fire. Reduce the costs by optimizing the structure's design while keeping its safety in a few clicks!

The Fire resistance code-check is not only how to optimize your model. Do you model and code-check welded or partially welded steel structures? Welds and contact operation will help you reduce the welds' size. Now you can easily save the material used for welds and labor needed for welding, thus decreasing the costs of the whole steel structure. Use this feature to make your designed connections as efficient as possible! Your models will be safe, cheaper, and easier to produce now!

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Are you involved in the design of steel structures for multi-story buildings based on Eurocode? You will appreciate the new operation called Horizontal tying. This feature helps to design and code-check connections with the tensile loads required by code and prevent the progressive collapse of the structure. With the new Horizontal Tying Resistance feature, you can design and code-check connections in minutes and give your structures guaranteed stability.

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IDEA StatiCa also gives you the confidence of correctly entered parameters. Do you need to make sure you are not entering welds in your model with incorrect parameters that will interfere with other members or operations? The Plate and weld clash function will automatically alert you if plates or welds collide with other model elements. Design your connections with 100% confidence!

With the new version of the Connection Browser, you will find a connection template much faster now. Use the filter, select the parameters of your connection and let Connection Browser recommend you the one that fits your needs the most!

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We have also made improvements for concrete designers

When designing reinforced concrete high-rise or industrial buildings, you can solve their fire resistance now. A new functionality, advanced thermal analysis, helps you with the fire resistance check of beams and columns subjected to the fire effects.

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In IDEA StatiCa Detail, you can also perform (along with ULS) the SLS assessments of concrete discontinuity regions (beams with openings and dapped ends & diaphragms with various topologies). Code-checks for prestressed members, such as stress limitation, crack width, and deflection, will no longer be painful.

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We haven't forgotten about the developers too! Now you can incorporate IDEA StatiCa into your Rhino/Grasshopper3D workflows and generate connections directly from your parametric models. The Developer tab allows you to specify parameters inside your connection projects and automate their optimization using visual programming.

IDEA StatiCa 22.1 also makes integrating with 3rd party applications more straightforward than ever. With the new BimApi workflow, a common interface allows IDEA StatiCa to connect to any FEA or CAD software.

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And there is much more … Read detailed Release notes for the version IDEA StatiCa 22.1 and find all the improvements!

Download IDEA StatiCa 22.1 and start to calculate yesterday's estimates today!