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69 résultats

IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete discontinuities

Main assumptions and limitations for CSFM

General introduction for the structural design of concrete details

Detail 3D – Semelles en béton armé (BETA)

Sélection et édition multiple dans l'application Detail

Poutre voile

Lien BIM Connection et Detail – Ancrage à charge excentrée

CSFM expliquée

Diagrammes contrainte-déformation dans CSFM

Comment résoudre une concentration de contrainte dans les détails en béton

IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete 3D discontinuities

Known limitations for Detail 3D

Full functionalities of Detail 3D

Intuitive ribbon and navigation system for IDEA StatiCa Detail

Export Beam to Detail

Can you make the most of Detail? Users' tips and tricks

Design any architectural shape

Code-check of walls and deep beams

Donau City Tower 2

Tössbrücke Wila skew-angled bridge