CBFEM book – Component-based finite element design of steel connections

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Results of IDEA StatiCa Connection and the CBFEM method in its solver were validated by university teams led by professor Frantisek Wald. The most important verification and validation examples were published in the book "Component-based finite element design of steel connections".

This publication introduces the Component-based Finite Element Method (CBFEM), which is a novel approach in the structural design of steel connections and joints. It allows engineers to analyze and assess generally loaded joints and connections with varying complexity of geometry. CBFEM is a synergy of the standard approach to connection design (component method) and finite elements. Implementation of the CBFEM for the structural steel design represents a qualitative leap for the whole structural engineering industry.

Following the CBFEM principles, this publication presents benchmark cases for its validation and verification for various structural steel joints and connections. The hierarchy of the system response quantity is prepared for welded and bolted connections as well as for column bases. Each benchmark case shows results from the analytical model according to design standards followed by references to laboratory experiments, validated models, and numerical experiments. Results from CBFEM calculations are thoroughly analyzed, taking into account the global behavior of the joint and verification of resistance.

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This book will help you to understand how to safely and accurately design and analyze various steel connections according to a given building code. 

Previous editions of the book "Component-based finite element design of steel connections" were named "Benchmark cases for  advanced design of structural steel connections". This edition brings new examples for hollow cross-sections and updated content in multiple chapters with current settings of the software used for verification.

Team of authors

Wald F., Sabatka L., Bajer M., Kozich M., Vild M., Gulubiatnikov K., Kabelac J., Kurikova M.

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Czech Technical University in Prague

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Brno University of Technology

About Prof. Frantisek Wald

Professor and Head of the Department of Steel and Timber Structures at the Czech Technical University in Prague. During his rich professional career, he has participated in ten European projects in connection design and several other projects focused on component method, column bases, steel and concrete connections, fire design and the advanced finite element analysis.

He has been working in ECCS TC 10 Structural joints in WG8 and Project team for preparation of EN 1993-1-8:2025. He is also a member of CEN Working Groups for new generation of EN 1993-1-2 and EN 1993-1-14. Prof Wald received two awards for the development of the Component-based Finite Element Method (CBFEM) – the CKAIT Pavel Juchelka Czech Award and the ECCS Charles Massonet European Award.

Listen to the author speaking about the book:


WALD, Frantisek, et al. 
Component-based finite element design of steel connections
Czech Technical University Prague, 2021.
ISBN 978–80–01–06861–8 print
ISBN 978–80–01–06862–5 online
243 pages 

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Content of the book

Here you can see the List of content demonstrating the range of tested examples. Below you can find several chapters from the CBFEM book - verification examples of structural steel joints and connections. All results show a very close correlation with the compared data. 

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Column base – Open section column in compression

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