Material library and code checks update

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The Material and product range library (MPRL) in Connection and Member as well as some specific code checks have been updated for several design codes.

European standard (EN)

  • Change bolt assemblies in EN according to ISO 4014
  • Add non-standard bolt assemblies M14, M33, etc. to EN MPRL 

Changes may have possibly a very small effect on the punching shear resistance of bolts.

The update has been available since the 21.1.1 patch.

UK cross-sections (BS)

The following sections have been added to MPRL:

Added UBAdded UC
UB 406 x 140 x 53UC 152 x 152 x 44
UB 406 x 178 x 85UC 152 x 152 x 51
UB 457 x 191 x 106UC 203 x 203 x 100
UB 457 x 191 x 133UC 203 x 203 x 113
UB 457 x 191 x 161UC 203 x 203 x 127
UB 533 x 165 x 66
UB 533 x 165 x 75
UB 533 x 165 x 85

This update has been available since the 21.1.4 patch.

Cross-sectional properties are taken from:

US standards (AISC)

  • ASTM F1554 bolt assemblies were added

The update has been available since the 21.1.1 patch.

  • Update of cross-sections - open sections W, S, M according to Steel Design Manual 15.0.
  • The following sections have been added:
  • Update of HSS from 14.1 to 15.0  (new cross-sections were added). 
  • The division between A1085, A1065 (nominal wall thickness) and A500, A501, A618, A847 (reduced wall thickness). 
    • HSS (14.1) were updated to HSS (15.0 - A1085, A1065)
    • HSS (15.0 - A500, A501, A618, A847) are new cross-section tables
  • Pipes (A53) are from now on with reduced thickness - results will change due to this change.

These updates above have been available since 21.1.5 patch.

  • Concrete in compression
    The resistance of concrete in compression may now be reduced by stress cut-off ratio in Code setup. The loaded area, A1, is determined as the area, where stress in concrete is higher than the peak stress multiplied by stress cut-off ratio. Loaded area A1 and Supporting area A2 are shown in 2D window. The stress cut-off ratio is set by default to 0.4. 
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  • Bolts in bearing
    The resistance of bolts in bearing can be now increased by disregarding deformation at the bolt hole at service load as a design consideration according to AISC 360-16: J3.10: Bearing and Tearout Strength at Bolt holes. A checkbox is now available in Code setup.
  • Reduction of bolt shear resistance for connection with fillers
    Bolt shear resistance for connections with fillers is now reduced according to AISC 360-16, J5.2. A filler is recognized by IDEA StatiCa as an inserted plate that is not connected to any other weld or bolt grid. It is not checked whether the filler is properly developed.
    The factor for fillers of slip-critical connections, hf, is now determined properly according to AISC 360-16, J3.8. For two or more filler plates, hf is reduced to 0,85.
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These three updates above are available since version 22.0.0.

Australian standard (AS)

The new Australian steel code was released in 2020 and it replaced the code from 1998. In IDEA StatiCa Connection, we have updated the checks as well as the documentation available on our web or in the application. 

The update has been available since the 21.1.1 patch.

Furthermore, we have included several new bolt assemblies according to EN 14399-3:2015:

  • HR8.8 bolt assemblies
  • HR10.9 bolt assemblies

Regarding the code check, it was complemented for high strength bolt assemblies according to ASI TN001 by:

  • Reduction factor 0.5/0.6 for tensile strength, fuf > 840 MPa, and shear plane intercepting bolt threads
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  • Minimum bolt tension for preloaded bolts:
    For bolts grade 8.8 (fuf = 830 MPa) and grade 10.9 (fuf = 1040 MPa), the minimum bolt tension is taken from AS 4100:2020, Table
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For bolt strengths and dimensions missing in the table, following formulas are used: 

  • for fu < 1000 MPa: Nti = fu * 60/83 * As
  • for fu >= 1000 MPa: Nti = fu * 83/104 * As
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Indian standard (IS)

  • Added cross-sections: CHS, RHS, and SHS by Tata Structura.

The update has been available since the 21.1.5 patch.

Russian standard (SP)

  • The dimensions unified according to ISO 4014.
    The update has been available since the 21.1.1 patch.
  • The last revision of the Russian code affected the friction-type bolts code check in IDEA StatiCa Connection. 
    The formula for the design tensile strength of a high-strength bolt Rbh = 0.7 · Rbun is replaced by design tensile strength Rbt according to SP 16, Table 5.

    The updated formula looks like this:
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The update has been available since the 21.1.4 patch.


Find out more about all the MPRL possibilities in the Support Center.

Available in both Expert and Enhanced editions of IDEA StatiCa Steel.

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