Release notes Concrete & Prestressing version 10.0

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We are happy to release a new version of IDEA StatiCa Concrete. Version 10.0 is another enhancement of the design process focused on beams, cross-sections, walls, dapped ends, openings, hangings, brackets and other concrete details. Highlights of this version are:

  • IOM for RCS – complete cross-section (reinforced or prestressed) can be defined using the IOM, all checks for ULS and SLS are available

All of this with precise checks of concrete and reinforcement strength, stresses and strains. Everything that the code requires, with results clearly visualized for a better understanding of the structural behavior.

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Input data from XML to IOM

IOM (IDEA open model) was extended by the data for check of the reinforced and prestressed cross-sections using the RCS application. The interface of the program contains almost all data used in the RCS application. At the same time, the library where the user can call the third-party applications and launch the checks and read the check results was created. Results are in the IOM format.

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Fig. 5: A scheme of IOM link between IDEA StatiCa RCS and other software