Investigate reinforcement behavior with Section results and Stress check

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With section views, you can analyze results and their behavior within the structure, ensuring clear visualization in both graphical and tabular formats.

Section Results allow insight into the stresses within the concrete element. It is possible to create any number of sections and in any plane.

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Section results

For 3D models, there is an option for displaying results for concrete - Section results. To define or modify the sections, you need to use the section button in the view control, which is in the top right corner of the scene.

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Then you can simply turn on the section button and the results will be displayed via a specified section.

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Or there is an option to switch the view from 3D to 2D and for better clarity display the selected section in 2D.

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Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.0.4

Stress check 

For a better understanding of the results and the theory implemented in the 3D Detail, the iconography has been significantly improved. In the "Strength" section, under the concrete stress assessment, you will find new icons and, most importantly, tooltips explaining the basic theory. These tooltips correspond to the theoretical background.

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Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.0.2

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Notes de publication IDEA StatiCa 24.1