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5 résultats pour "midas"

Midas Civil BIM link – preparation of the calculation model

Civil, and midas Gen. Do not use diacritical marks in midas Civil Data export from midas Civil uses *.mid and *.mct files. Adding the zero load case to the Envelope combination in midas Civil When evaluating the Envelope combination, midas Civil strictly follows mathematical

Midas Civil BIM link for design of three-span post-tensioned bridge

with the BIM link between midas Civil and IDEA StatiCa, particularly the guidelines for properly preparing the calculation model in midas Civil. The combination factors are taken directly from midas Civil. However, if the user fully adopts the combinations from midas Civil and uses the indicator in midas, there is no need to edit anything in this dialog,

Midas Civil BIM link – logic of load cases and combinations postprocessing in IDEA StatiCa BIM

Combinations in midas Civil Midas Civil works with Add and Envelope type combinations. As every midas user knows, combinations are then treated as layers. In these cases, the Envelope combinations in IDEA StatiCa BIM and midas Civil are identical, and adding a zero load case to the combination in midas Civil

Prestressed concrete roof, Zbysov, Czech Republic

Geometry of tendons and reinforcement 3D Model in MIDAS Civil 3D grid model of the structure used for modelling covers all aspects of behaviour during What benefits brought IDEA StatiCa and MIDAS Civil software? MIDAS Civil and IDEA StatiCa offer a complex solution for the design and checks of the structures.

Railway bridge across Vltava river, Czech Republic

The steel part of the bridge was modeled in MIDAS Civil software. 3D beam structural model was created for the calculation of internal forces of the global