Solved incidents in IDEA StatiCa patches
Version 24.1.3
Released February 13, 2025
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00053071 | An issue with UNP profiles has been fixed |
00055721 | Decimal separator settings were removed from the app. The decimal separator is now taken from the system |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00056562 | An issue with the LTB calculation has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00054871 | The BIM link with the new SCIA Engineer release is running |
00055205 | A user-specific issue with the Checkbot where the user could not import elements has been resolved by the development team's suggestions |
00055276 | SAP2000 plug-in is fixed to work with IDEA StatiCa Checkbot |
00055514 | An issue where the Checkbot could not open in Tekla structures has been resolved by the development team's suggestions |
00056008 | An issue with import from RFEM6 has been fixed |
00056014 | IDEA StatiCa Checkbot can import generic connections from Revit files |
00056261 | An issue related to the registration of the STAAD.Pro link has been fixed |
00056321 | An issue with the wrong modeling of the child node has been fixed |
00056513 | An issue with the wrong rotation of members in Checkbot has been fixed |
00056895 | An issue with the mapping of a Robot box section to an IDEA box section has been fixed |
00056992 | Synchronization of loads between IDEA and RFEM corrected |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00051299 | The mesh error caused by a cut operation was fixed in the solver |
00055083 | Fixed a mistake in code clause number report, wrong clause ACI 349-01 – B.4.5, ACI 349-01 – B.11 changed to correct ACI 349-01 – B.4.5, ACI 349-01 – RB.11 |
00055166 | Misleading information about material degradation data in the protocol, in the case of fire design, was fixed |
00055510 | The issue when the double fillet weld on the doubler was wrongly positioned was fixed |
00055778 | The wrong formula for alpha2 for the anchored hook was fixed |
00055845 | The issue with missing icons in the Wizard in Connection application has been fixed. |
00055912 | The visibility of text in the French version corrected |
00056045 | Corrected the corresponding Aff value in the results table for the concrete block |
00056049 | An issue with missing printout preview has been fixed |
00056164 | Contact welds are now excluded from the bill of material |
00056306 | Print preview for welds corrected |
00056716 | Corrected weld directional strength in AISC for rectangular cross-sections |
00056730 | A bug impacting detailed report generation, unless Formulas and Explanations were deactivated, has been fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00055711 | Regarding export from Connection to Detail, the direction of the imported forces representing the stress in the welds has been fixed |
00057190 | Regarding export from Connection to Detail, the direction of the imported forces representing the stress in the welds has been fixed |
00057704 | A critical issue with reversed forces after the export has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00055529 | An issue with interrupted calculation in Member has been fixed |
Version 24.1.2
Released December 17, 2024
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00055306 | Fixed issue with opening file created in older version |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00055132 | RFEM link: Import of points with line reference fixed |
00054686 | An issue with the export from SAP2000 to Checkbot related to "Unexpected input in AmericanSubcodeExtensions functions" has been fixed |
00054723 | An issue with member incorrect rotation import from SAP 2000 into Checkbot was fixed |
00055250 | STAAD.Pro link: Integration via installer fixed |
00055802 | An issue with the wrong position of the work plane after import from Tekla has been fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00054792 | Symbols for bolts according to design codes fixed |
00055396 | An issue with the wrong anchor length in the IFC file solved |
00055440 | The issue has been fixed by hiding the dimension when the bolt exploded |
00055624 | Fixed inner line (beam flange) and outline (beam web) node connectivity for some cases, e.g. notched beam |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00054851 | The issue between the sharp and beta versions has been fixed |
00055275 | The issue between the sharp and beta versions has been fixed |
00055464 | The results in Detail have been fixed |
00055898 | The issue with the initiation of the simulation has been fixed |
00055915 | An issue with incorrect text in the report header solved |
00055986 | A bug has been fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00056012 | Strength reduction factor in the calculation of fcd,fat when calculating compression strut for fatigue shear effects is taken into account |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00055295 | Export from Connection to IFC files corrected |
00055680 | An issue with displaying holes in Viewer has been fixed |
Version 24.1.1
Released November 22, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00053754 | Material characteristics that have no influence on the calculation have been hidden from the materials' property grid |
00054411 | Resolved issue with Bitdefender antivirus blocking installation of IDEA StatiCa |
00054795 | An issue with editing throat welds of welded cross sections was fixed |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00054765 | The issue with the error during LTB calculation in the Beam application has been resolved |
00055057 | An error when importing and editing the reinforcement in Beam has been fixed |
00055418 | An issue with the input of reinforcement in the Beam application has been resolved |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00054841 | An issue with the export of a general cross-section from SAP2000 solved |
00055036 | An issue with incorrect export from Advance Steel solved |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00050413 | An issue affecting Load Effects when switching from percentage to absolute loading was resolved |
00051600 | The nonconformity warning for models of anchoring with more than one base plate was updated. Warning can be switched off by Concrete breakout resistance value in Code setup |
00053848 | The size of bolts and washers has been fixed in IFC format |
00053988 | An issue with the import of dxf files has been fixed |
00054085 | Resolved display of incorrect weld length and connected plates when operation Rib was used to produce multiple ribs |
00054702 | The top header with project information when exporting the report in Connection to Word or PDF is back |
00054756 | An issue with the parametric template was fixed |
00054802 | The numbering of pages in the report has been fixed |
00054876 | When adding default material that does not exist - use the factory default |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00054193 | Import from Connection to Datail - an issue with a bad position of the solid block has been resolved |
00054440 | According to customer feedback, removing the "&" and space " " from the project item name solved the report generation problem |
00054965 | A problem with the visualization of the loads in Detail 2D in the report is fixed |
00055014 | An issue with load export from Connection to Detail has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00053705 | The M axis on the interaction diagram in Member has been fixed |
00054149 | An issue with convergence solved |
00054588 | MNA analysis was not stopping at limit plastic strain. Issue was fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00053142 | For the Dutch NA in RCS, the check acc. to NEN1992-1-1 6.1(9) regarding the maximum height of the compression zone is checked using Xu, the compression zone height at Mu |
00054835 | The dimensions of the reinforcement layout when modeling an oval cross-section as beams are indicated correctly again |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00054506 | An issue with the export of 3D dwg files in Viewer has been fixed |
00054548 | An issue with empty DWG files after export solved |
Version 24.1.0
Released October 23, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00053462 | Fixed an issue with the CSV import of materials in the MPLR database. Materials were imported, but could not be used in operations |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00050627 | The issue with the calculation of deflection has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00049549 | IDEA StatiCa now works with SDS2 Version 2024 |
00051843 | Synchronization in Checkbot works (the member is no longer synchronized, but remains there; it cannot be deleted). |
00052381 | A supported version of ETABS has to be installed as the last one for the BIM links to work |
00052935 | An issue with missing results in Checkbot has been fixed |
00052976 | The BIM link with SCIA engineer is working properly |
00053465 | An issue with import from Tekla has been fixed |
00053719 | An issue with opening an older project in Checkbot has been fixed |
00053740 | If the connection is exported to IFC, it can be correctly displayed in BIMVision or Solibri |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00052267 | The issue with opening ideacon file was fixed |
00050679 | An issue when the preferred weld increment size was not used when incrementing weld size is fixed |
00051794 | An issue with the wrong weld type conversion from EN to AISC solved |
00052722 | An issue with missing results for buckling analysis in Connection has been fixed |
00052965 | Unable to reproduce in release 24.1.0 - marked as resolved by the development team |
00053157 | An issue with the collision check in Connection has been fixed |
00053162 | The correct value for MRd,ser in the report for the pin bending utilization check is displayed |
00053243 | The value of surface emissivity for the steel member is set to the value corresponding to EN 1993-1-2 |
00053267 | Fixed temperature isobands (colors draw) in the check tab for some cases. |
00053508 | An issue when the plate cut creates 2 welds on a single weld line is fixed |
00053511 | An issue with a template missing under the "Propose" option was fixed |
00053743 | A better distinction has been implemented between A325 bolt assemblies |
00054155 | A question about anchor checks was answered |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00051201 | An issue with continuous reinforcement was fixed |
00053404 | App crash during adding new DRM into the project was fixed |
00053452 | The wrong unit presentation for surface loads in 3D Detail was fixed |
00053559 | A more accurate warning for calculation failure was implemented in 3D Detail |
00053812 | Concrete materials are now listed in the report |
00054113 | An issue with lost results after saving the project was fixed |
Licensing | |
Case # | Description |
00053451 | When the error 'Number of allowed activations exceeded' occurs when trying to log in, you can still access the IDEA StatiCa start window in the latest version |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00052775 | Singularity in the fire resistance model was corrected in Member for concrete |
00053275 | In some cases, due to working with the app through the cloud, the system file desktop.ini appeared in the model folder, making it impossible to edit the connection. Now, the fix was implemented to prevent this file from being created in the model folder |
00053807 | The diagram and the legend for the reinforcement stress σs are displayed correctly now |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00053490 | An issue with the loads on online Viewer was fixed |
Version 24.0.6
Released October 17, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00052955 | An issue with multi-select has been fixed |
00053599 | The Issue with user-defined materials is solved |
00053693 | An issue with user-defined materials has been fixed |
00053838 | User-defined MPRL now correctly works |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00052401 | An issue with using previously defined material, saved in MPRL was solved |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00048354 | IDEA StatiCa Checkbot now is compatible with SDS2 2024 |
00051243 | An issue with the import of load effects from the SAF file has been fixed |
00052414 | The issue connected to result classes assigned to nodes in Checkbot is solved |
00052517 | The issue with the export from Melody solved |
00052522 | IDEA StatiCa Checkbot now is compatible with SDS2 2024 |
00053725 | Custom cross-sections in SAP2000 are now supported. |
00053758 | An issue with SAP2000 BIM link was resolved, import of cross-sections by name is now allowed |
00054007 | Checkbot reinitialized connection file if data are corrupt |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00050973 | Fixed changing of welding material in the property grid |
00051909 | Corrected the base plate calculation with the exclusion of anchors |
00052356 | The issue with MjRd interaction in multiple load interactions in stiffness analysis was fixed |
00052597 | Fixed problems with concrete side-face blowout calculation for other than the initial orientation (direction, pitch, inclination) of the member |
00052696 | Corrected the Endplate operation - restoring deleted bolts |
00052707 | An issue with IFC export has been fixed |
00052843 | The issue with numerical precision in weld sizes has been fixed |
00052980 | The issue with the minimum ductility check has been fixed, the fu value of the weld is now correctly being used in the formula |
00053124 | Improved error message when a weld material of welded cross-section is not defined correctly |
00053359 | An issue with the export of the report to Word in Connection application is fixed |
00053420 | An issue with calculation of a complex model has been fixed |
00053503 | An issue with the multi-select of SP operations has been fixed |
Version 24.0.5
Released September 20, 2024
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00050335 | Language settings removed from the Beam application |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00046251 | STAAD.Pro BIM link installer is now working properly |
00051549 | Tekla BIM link issue resolved |
00052517 | Corrected issue with the export from Melody |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00049505 | Fix of the model of a continuous member |
00050450 | An issue with automatic adjustment of weld strength has been fixed |
00051756 | An issue when calculating the dimensions within a plate in the editor due to applied operations has been fixed |
00052286 | Corrected missing load case in Capacity design analysis |
00052353 | The possibility of adding multiple anchors with shear lugs for the same base plate was added. However, anchors, shear lugs, and concrete blocks are checked separately |
00052467 | Corrected the 3D stress view in the Fire design |
00053186 | Object reference bug resolved |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00051458 | An issue with exporting from the Connection app to the Detail app has been fixed |
Licensing | |
Case # | Description |
00051976 | The usage report problem in the User Portal is resolved |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00048682 | An issue with reports regarding blank sections has been fixed |
00050145 | An issue with black bars in a report in the Member application is fixed |
00050784 | The fire resistance calculation was improved by considering all the necessary factors and is now working properly |
00051232 | Printing of buckling or imperfections does not overflow page size |
00052731 | The concrete member module report issue resolved |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00052092 | Calculation of l_bd of stirrups was fixed |
00052226 | The issue with sigma_cd,max,i and sigma_cd,min,i in fatigue calculation was fixed |
00052903 | The issue with wrong loads being remembered in RCS after making changes has been fixed |
Version 24.0.4
Released August 18, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00049681 | The login issue requiring changes to the computer time has been fixed |
00051336 | Negative volume applied on a continuous member with welded cross-section caused failing generation of throat welds |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00051692 | The issue with DXF import has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00048250 | A bug preventing the import of some connections from SDS2 was fixed |
00048586 | A bug in the BIM link with RSA regarding a SYNC function has been fixed |
00049819 | The issue with synchronizing models has been solved |
00051031 | An issue with the installation of STAAD was solved |
00051067 | An issue with resetting manufacturing operations in Checkbot has been fixed |
00051248 | Wrong import of forces related to LCS set by vector corrected |
00051309 | A bug preventing the import of bolts from Tekla Structures was fixed |
00051529 | An issue with the wrong format of load effects imported from RFEM has been fixed |
00051594 | A bug in BIM link with STAAD.Pro 22 has been fixed |
00051808 | An issue with the Timeout for API command solved |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00051049 | A bug regarding files being blocked by Windows has been resolved |
00051170 | Fixed error "Index was out of range" during check of anchors |
00051250 | Model adaptation because of incorrect butt welds |
00051369 | The issue with an inaccurate generation of MPC elements for butt welds fixed |
00051389 | The issue with the Connection Library has been fixed |
00051539 | The problem that caused the abnormal deformed shape of a beam-to-beam connection has been fixed |
00051584 | A bug in Connection regarding a generation of Report has been fixed |
00051990 | The issue in the Connection Module where inserting and operating the End Plate would cause the rest of the components to disappear has been fixed |
00052295 | An issue with missing project positions has been fixed |
Connection Library | |
00049106 | Connection Library loading issue was fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00050774 | An issue with saving edited material in the Detail application has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00049736 | A bug regarding a change of the name of the Member folder has been fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00051033 | Annex NN is now correctly not being used anymore in RCS when the option Annex NN is checked off while the bridge norm and railway type bridge are selected |
00051307 | An issue with Ecd value in the RCS application was fixed |
Version 24.0.3
Released July 18, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00048838 | The material properties changed according to the code |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00045650 | An issue with importing cold-formed CS has been fixed |
00046372 | An issue with Geometry import from the SAF file has been fixed |
00048567 | An issue with importing a model with seismic combinations from STAAD.Pro has been fixed |
00049174 | A local issue in the BIM link with RFEM 6 was fixed |
00049352 | The BIM link with AxisVM version 7-3b is now fixed and with a dramatic speed improvement |
00049788 | A problem with large plated connections has been identified and partially fixed. Some additional steps are still required as a workaround though |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00048878 | An issue with missing pictures in the report has been fixed |
00049505 | Position of shear force fixed on continuous beam |
00049968 | An issue with the stiffness of anchors has been fixed |
00050044 | Steel material strength (and reductions for increasing thickness) will now be accounted for when applied to shear lugs as with regular steel elements |
00050257 | Additional warning message added for certain combinations of timber joint |
00050378 | Recalculating unbalanced forces when any operation is changed |
00050475 | Corrected issue with buckling analysis in footing joints |
00050533 | Corrected an issue with section factor for unprotected steel in case of hollow cross sections with small fold |
00050733 | When changing the connection type in the fin plate operation, the connection was not updated. The error was fixed |
00050984 | Fixed a bug where the user could not change the type of a fin plate to welded |
00051050 | The issue with the graphic window not updating when changing to bolted or welded in manufacturing operation shifted endplate is now fixed |
Licensing | |
Case # | Description |
00048989 | The orange "i" button was not orange even though an update was available. The issue is now fixed |
00049310 | An issue related to a license user configuration has been fixed |
00049799 | An issue related to a license user configuration has been fixed |
Version 24.0.2
Released June 26, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00048129 | Pasting of coordinates from clipboard when creating cold-formed profile has been fixed |
00048890 | Improved the smallest distance of nodes for DXF import |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00048373 | Fixed random crash during the calculation of a concrete beam |
00049576 | The issue with dxf import has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00047358 | The patch of SAP 2000 25.2.0 has been tested and is compatible with the latest version of IDEA StatiCa |
00047796 | Corrected import of internal forces from RFEM 6.06.0002 causing unbalanced forces in connection models |
00048050 | An issue with the import of members from RFEM6 has been fixed |
00048249 | An issue with starting Checkbot from Tekla has been fixed |
00048623 | An issue with the import of members from SAFthe file has been fixed |
00049183 | An issue with incorrect rotation of the angle profile imported from Tekla has been fixed |
00049251 | Fixed ability to calculate connection directly from Checkbot |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00045359 | The difference between models could be explained; it was not a bug |
00045498 | Corrected the fire analysis calculation in the case of bolted member |
00047239 | Fixed a bug where closing the app after unselecting all products in the license application resulted in an error message on the next launch |
00047497 | The issue with incorrect dimensions of rolled T-sections is fixed |
00047948 | Correct calculation of the distance of the bolt from the edge for circular plate in detailing checks |
00048059 | An issue with the "cut of member" operation in Connection has been fixed |
00048355 | Corrected mesh discontinuity around holes |
00048566 | An issue with incorrect mapping during the import of design from Connection Library has been fixed |
00048568 | An issue with material properties for high strength steel for Australian Standard and Eurocode has been fixed |
00048707 | Corrected the difference of visibility of welds in CUT Operation for Checkbot and Standalone |
00048847 | The issue connected with the RHS section added manually and via library for AISC, where the incompatibility of results has been diagnosed, is fixed |
00049097 | The problem with the dxf import in IDEA StatiCa Connection, when roundings are included, has been fixed |
00049178 | The issue when the fastener grid command did not create bolts is fixed |
00049207 | The issue when the fastener grid command did not create bolts is fixed |
00049280 | Warning message formatting of prequalified connection check has been fixed |
00049523 | The diagram of forces in pins corrected |
00049748 | An issue with incorrect detailing check has been fixed |
00049809 | An issue with program crush during calculation has been fixed |
00050127 | An issue impacting the edge distance calculated for circular stiffening plates has been resolved |
Connection Library | |
Case # | Description |
00045603 | In the web connection library, when a connection is not available, it shows better information |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00048449 | The Issue with deleting the model unused cross-sections was solved |
00049299 | Interconnection with reinforcement fixed for patch device |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00048697 | The problem with the interruption of the calculation in IDEA StatiCa Member when there is a bolted connection has been resolved |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00046272 | The issue with detailing for walls in RCS has been fixed |
00047232 | Member: Load builder adaptation for concrete members opened from Checkbot has been fixed |
00047884 | The user was using Windows 7, solved by launching RCS on his more recent Windows 10 computer |
00048958 | API for RCS has been updated and fixed |
00049180 | The issue with reinforcement not updating directly after making changes has been fixed |
00049202 | The decimal separator in RCS is again based on the PC settings and not on the language |
00049625 | The issue with an error message when generating a report in RCS has been fixed |
Version 24.0.1
Released May 14, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00048269 | An issue with creating a general cross-section in the editor has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00045014 | An issue with the wrong rotation of a cross-section imported from Tekla has been fixed |
00045846 | Checkbot error message when importing a model from STAAD.Pro was revised and fixed. |
00045944 | The AD 2024 1.2 plugin has been tested and is validated for use as a BIM link with IDEA StatiCa |
00046233 | An issue with the import of nodes from RFEM has been fixed |
00046561 | Now the rotations of angles cross sections coming from STAAD.Pro to Checkbot are matching. |
00047252 | An issue with import from Tekla has been fixed |
00047824 | The Checkbot link is now available for SDS2 Version 2024 |
00048486 | The issue with crashing Tekla 2024 in cooperation with Checkbot 24.0 fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00048035 | An issue with the new pin material has been identified and fixed. |
00048234 | An issue with misleading detailing check has been fixed |
00048344 | An issue with the dxf definition of a plate has been corrected. |
00048430 | The issue with the DFX import in the Connection app has been fixed |
00048608 | The issue with the DXF import has been fixed, so it is possible to import a DXF as expected |
00048757 | The issue connected with a report in another language has been fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00046325 | The issue connected with limit force has been fixed |
00048374 | The problem with the crack width limit value in the Detail app was fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00047692 | The issue with creating CUT has been fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00047745 | The issue with the interaction check in RCS has been fixed |
00047903 | The calculation of S_{r,max} is corrected for complex sections due to the incorrect calculation of the spacing between the bonded reinforcement |
00048178 | The issue regarding the limited interaction check switched on not being copied to other sections in RCS was fixed |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00048307 | An issue with the case sensitivity of the file suffix fixed |
Version 24.0.0
Released April 24, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00044581 | Corrected the unprecise parameters of library cross-section UC203x203x100 |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00047351 | A new description has been added for the unavailable nonlinear deflection simulation regarding the composite section in the Beam app |
00047531 | It is now possible to model prestress tendons without working prestress, so as passive reinforcement |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00045299 | An issue with the wrong rotation of members imported from Tekla has been fixed |
00045846 | The import process from STAAD.Pro to IDEA StatiCa was improved for members with rotations |
00045884 | Fixed incorrectly imported values of shear force Vz from RFEM 6.05.0006 to Checkbot |
00045913 | An issue with incorrect rotation (Beta angle) of some L cross-sections after importing a structure from STAAD.Pro has been fixed |
00046175 | Fix of rounded plates import from Advance Steel |
00046248 | The issue with the misalignment of inclined members in the Checkbot after import from SCIA Engineer has been solved |
00046266 | Improved IOM import from BIM Expert software |
00046355 | An issue with an import of load effects from the SAF file has been fixed |
00046561 | The angle sections come from STAAD.Pro now have the correct rotation when importing them in Checkbot |
00046599 | Fix of the sync issue in Checkbot (Autodesk Robot) |
00046918 | The problem with export from Tekla to Connection is solved |
00046953 | BIM link detection and installation has been improved for the import between SDS2 and Checkbot. |
00047176 | The Checkbot now has the ability to display unmodifiable and dependent material properties |
00047318 | Updated BIM link for SCIA Engineer 24 |
00047536 | The issue with incorrect import of rectangle hollow cross-sections was solved |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00044342 | Crashes after creating the report were solved |
00045197 | Solved problem with the generation of stiffener on the top of the ended member |
00045291 | Fixed mismatching internal forces when imported to a new connection project (Connection import command) from another connection project that was imported to Checkbot from Modest FEA software |
00045779 | Improved calculation by increasing element size on concrete subsoil part |
00045871 | Corrected visibility of slotted holes in IFC export |
00046153 | The problem with report generation getting stuck in the Connection app has been solved |
00046342 | Fixed wrong perspective display of the first sketch inserted in the bill of material |
00046388 | Peak weld utilization was not shown under the "Extreme" output view, now the overall check should be consistent with weld results |
00046524 | An issue with the walls of CHS 'splitting' under load at certain rotations has been corrected |
00046744 | Solved problem with the generation of stiffener on the top of the ended member |
00046895 | An unexpected error in IDEA Connection app was solved |
00046915 | The issue of incorrect displaying of summary results has been resolved |
00047173 | The problem with mesh generation has been fixed. |
00047215 | Solved problem with the generation of stiffener on the top of the ended member |
00047309 | An issue with the operation stiffener has been fixed |
00047325 | Concrete block results were not visible when there were no critical load effects for concrete in the model. It was fixed - the concrete results are always visible |
00047457 | Welded built-up sections are now able to retain their welds when changing their origin type |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00045576 | An issue with missing pictures from the gallery and topology optimization in the report has been fixed |
00046778 | The issue of incorrect extreme selection in Detail for the summary results has been resolved |
00047607 | The issue of incorrect deflection evaluation due to creep factor has been resolved |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00045888 | Corrected duplication of load values |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00047249 | The RCS code-check that mistakenly gives OK for the maximal distance of stirrups (9.5.3) in some cases has been repaired |
Version 23.1.5
Released March 11, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00046364 | An issue whereby the use of <default> as the material type led to errors in IDEA StatiCa Steel Member, which could have been avoided by setting a specific material such as S 355 instead, has been resolved |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00045747 | An issue with detailing check of minimum reinforcement is fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00044037 | Import error from RAM has been fixed, allowing for complete structure to be imported |
00044876 | Fix in import from STAAD.Pro 22 version older than 22.05 |
00045308 | Import of bolts from Advance Steel corrected |
00045587 | Corrected the 3D view of imported members from SCIA Engineer |
00045847 | Connections from checkbot can now keep the same code initially selected from the Checkbot project |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00044549 | An issue with the calculation of footings has been fixed |
00045252 | Fix in the IFX export |
00046244 | Fixed problem of automatic detection of "default" steel material imported to Checkbot from Robot projects |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00044294 | The issue for calculation of Sigma Cp in the shear check has been fixed |
00045303 | The warning message has been added to the torsion check and removed from interaction check |
00045782 | Visualization issue of dimension in RCS was fixed |
00046422 | The incorrect calculation of the required minimum reinforcement for negative bending moment is solved |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00044608 | An issue with the Viewer was fixed |
Version 23.1.4
Released February 8, 2024
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00044066 | The issue with the wrong visibility of tendons in the Tendon module is resolved |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00041752 | We have now made allowances for additional SDS2 installation folders when installing the SDS2 BIM Link |
00042844 | An issue with an invalid LCS definition has been fixed |
00043249 | The latest version of SAP2000 (v.25.1) has been tested and confirmed compatible with current and upcoming versions. |
00044037 | An error warning during Checkbot RAM import is now resolved |
00044103 | The issue with STAAD.Pro BIM link is resolved |
00044456 | STAAD.Pro, Checkbot link: Fixed import of results and position of L-angles |
00044551 | An issue has been identified and fixed regarding the incorrect definition of Local Coordinate System of curved members |
00044638 | An issue with the wrong rotation of members imported from RFEM has been fixed |
00044650 | An issue with the import of cross-section from RFEM has been fixed |
00044764 | An issue with the wrong rotation of members imported from RFEM has been fixed |
00044795 | Special characters are now taken into account when exporting connections from Checkbot |
00044806 | An issue with the import of members from SCIA has been fixed |
00044847 | Increased tolerance for merge command to apply Mitre cut operation |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00042541 | Fixed problem with wrong detection of user-defined bolts imported from Tekla to Checkbot |
00043702 | Fixed error in creating a report in the German language for specific models and settings |
00044229 | The issue of bolt forces not matching the forces from the bolt check is resolved |
00044340 | Several issues with the NVOL operation and opening alignments for IFC export have been fixed |
00044376 | An issue with plate rendering in the report has been fixed |
00044504 | Additional intelligence had been incorporated into Connection Library to improve the filtering mechanism |
00044781 | An issue with missing grooves in IFC exported from Connection solved |
00044870 | The issue with the load case percentage has been resolved. |
00045058 | An issue with one page and brief report generation has been fixed |
00045203 | The issue when fillet welds were moved on the other side after the cut operation was fixed |
00045214 | the issue with the disappearing 3D model was fixed |
Connection Library | |
Case # | Description |
00043115 | An issue with geometry recognition in Connection Library has been fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00044747 | The issue with compression-only support has been fixed |
00045080 | An issue with editing reinforcement diameter in a project from the older version fixed |
00045123 | Material reporting in Detail has been improved |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00044954 | The issue with wrong recognition of EN code instead of AISC resolved |
00045230 | The issue with wrong recognition of EN code instead of AISC resolved |
Version 23.1.3
Released January 12, 2024
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00043871 | The issue with opening a file from version 23.0 in version 23.1 has been fixed |
00044045 | The issue when changing a weld electrode material properties was fixed |
00044380 | Fix the crash when opening the project created in the previous version that contains a hollow section |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00041167 | BIM API: Description of a necessary switch from obsolete WCF to gRPC communication added to developer documentation |
00042270 | The issue with missing parts after export from Tekla to the Connection application has been fixed |
00042361 | Communication with the user while importing a RAM Structural System model was improved, now Checkbot shows a window saying that it is in the import process |
00043076 | The issue with import to Tekla has been fixed |
00043231 | An issue with mapping certain sections, mainly double angles, from SAP2000 has been fixed |
00043319 | An issue with the import of a large model from SCIA Engineer, with many combinations identified. The problem with data transfer is on the SCIA side and SCIA developers were noted |
00043480 | An issue with the import of SAF files has been fixed |
00043711 | An issue with the import of cross-section from RFEM files has been fixed |
00043720 | An issue with the import of SAF files has been fixed |
00043887 | An issue with discontinuities in internal forces on members after import form RFEM 6 solved |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00042660 | The issue of the load value not updating when changing any value in the Material tab and using Load - Percentage has been resolved |
00042745 | An issue with the calculation of bearing resistance has been fixed |
00043113 | An issue with the export of opening to IFC files has been fixed |
00043259 | An issue with the preloaded bolts' shear limit in FE analysis and fatigue checks has been fixed |
00044497 | An issue with load import from one connection file to another has been fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00044033 | When renaming a combination in a combination Pop-up window, the name of the combination was not changed in the tree menu in the 3D scene |
Licensing | |
Case # | Description |
00042276 | It is no longer possible to use a newer version of the IDEA Statica application in offline mode without a valid license for that version |
00043078 | An issue with IOM for version 22 has been fixed, and the issue with export from Tekla was improved in version 23 |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00042959 | An issue with missing welds in Member has been fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00044147 | The error "API Request for RCS failed", while running the RCS-IOM API examples from GitHub is resolved |
Version 23.1.2
Released December 12, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00039453 | The issue about the cut operation related to this case has been repaired |
00041557 | A warning has now been added when creating general sections using cold-formed sections. The welding of such sections in this manner is not recommended |
00042281 | An issue with welded cross sections has been fixed, and warnings have now been added |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00042514 | The problem with detailed report generation in the Beam application was solved |
00042879 | Fixed crashing of Beamm app during deflections calculation |
00043184 | Fixed generation of incomplete reports in the Beam app |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00037839 | The problem with importing combinations from Checkbot to Member has been solved |
00041464 | Fixed manufacturing operation Cuts of member while importing model from Tekla structures through IDEA Checkbot. |
00042010 | Fixed wrong import of tapered sections into IDEA StatiCa BIM from midas Civil |
00042014 | The messaging was improved when updating the model or merging members in Checkbot |
00042024 | The issue with the local axis and importing of internal forces from RFEM has been fixed |
00042392 | An issue with additional operations after import from Tekla has been fixed |
00042466 | There was an issue between TSD 2023 and Idea StatiCa 23.1, and it was solved by updating .NET 6.0 |
00042566 | The issue related to the load import from Robot has been fixed |
00043056 | An issue with the wrong geometrical type of member imported from AS has been fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00041216 | The issue when the stiffener was created at the wrong position was fixed |
00041411 | An issue with the operation stiffener has been fixed |
00042002 | Export of anchors using IFC fixed |
00042059 | Fixed wrong calculation of concrete breakout cone area for a group of tensioned anchors |
00042207 | Resolved multiple butt welds over each other to run the analysis |
00042211 | Adaptation of weld evaluation on tubes |
00042293 | Corrected calculation of effective stress area in concrete breakout strength |
00042310 | Fixed failing application of complex connection from Connection library on clean connection in Connection app |
00042450 | Cleat operation with asymmetrical cleat CS generated broken geometry. Problem was fixed |
00042498 | The angle of the stiffening plate has to be set the same as the angle of the connected member |
00042597 | An issue with ARC segments in the DXF import process for custom plates has been fixed |
00042668 | Issue with wrong image size in Connection app report, if 4K resolution in Windows is used, was fixed |
00042730 | Fixed possible crash when deleting or clean materials and the automatic weld is used |
00042841 | Fixed possible crash when deleting or clean materials and the automatic weld is used |
00042880 | Openings are correctly exported to the IFC model |
00042951 | Fixed possible crash when deleting or clean materials and the automatic weld is used |
00042952 | Fixed possible crash when deleting or clean materials and the automatic weld is used |
00043025 | The issue with Connection app crashing during closing file was fixed |
00043268 | The issue related to starting the Connection app has been fixed |
00043432 | Fixed possible crash when deleting or clean materials and the automatic weld is used |
00043542 | An issue with IFC Export has been fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00042525 | The issue with the DXF import has been fixed |
00042614 | The issue with applying reinforcement was fixed, and calculation was performed |
00042837 | The issue with the DXF import has been fixed |
00043190 | The calculation of SLS combinations has been fixed |
00043435 | The issue with the DXF import has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00042533 | An issue with adding point loads in Member has been fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00036380 | The shear calculation has been improved and implemented |
00042274 | Icon for MPRL launch was added into RCS for easier solution of duplicities in MPRL |
00043229 | In RCS, the wrong identification of concrete cover for crack width calculation was fixed |
Version 23.1.1
Released November 21, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00042379 | Crashes of the reinforcement editor during material edit were fixed |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00041323 | Additional information about how increments R(i) are converted into internal forces were provided |
00042090 | The problem with wrong deformations and internal forces in TDA analysis when changing the position of supports was fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00029824 | Orientation of cross-section type AEP/AUP is now imported correctly from Robot |
00039574 | Fix in reading the correct load into Connection from Checkbot |
00039989 | Fixed labels of combinations in Results |
00040308 | The issue with importing combinations from Checkbot to Connection has been fixed |
00041378 | The problem with the SFK error message when exporting Checkbot has been solved |
00041812 | Incorrect display of bolts and welds corrected |
00041847 | An issue with a disconnected network drive has been identified and the error trapped |
00041963 | Improved warning message in Checkbot, when exporting to SAF file in Scia Engineer fails |
00042017 | An issue with missing bolts in a connection import from Advance Steel has been fixed |
00042056 | The issue with the BIM link for Axis7 has been fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00040605 | The ACI code check for the concrete sideface blowout was fixed. The issue was in the 'greater than' operator |
00040617 | The calculation of the stiffness of connection for more activated combinations has been fixed |
00040832 | The calculation report when using stand-off anchors was corrected |
00041168 | The issue with the cut operation has been fixed |
00041311 | Fixed geometry issue that occurs when editing the position of bolt holes in exploded bolt hole pattern |
00041698 | The problem with the IFC export of the model with Rod members is fixed |
00041734 | Doubled fillet weld in the IFC file corrected |
00041835 | A problem with some older connection files has been found and corrected |
00041850 | The missing rod in the IFC file corrected |
00041887 | The issue with unsymmetric stress distribution has been fixed |
00041905 | The problem with boundary lines around images in the report is solved |
00042004 | The wrong position of bolts in the IFC file corrected |
00042015 | The problem with the mesh generation error has been solved |
00042065 | In case of low-level loading or many contacts, some adaptation of setup is needed. Model and mesh: The number of analyses and Divergent iterations count should be doubled |
00042087 | The issue with the bolts' position during exporting the IFC file has been fixed |
00042195 | An issue with incorrect bolt position in the IFC file export from the Connection application has been fixed |
00042198 | The issue with incorrect language in the Design tab solved |
00042337 | The visualization of the bolts that used to appear to be hanging in the air has been corrected and the IFC file now opens as expected |
00042712 | The issue with opening certain connections with concrete has been fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00042280 | Delete all feature is working now |
Licensing | |
Case # | Description |
00041267 | The bug in the license agent has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00032604 | The 1D rod member has been added to IDEA StatiCa Member |
00041735 | Fixed issue when a reinforced concrete beam in the Member app was loaded by shear Y and Z direction in separate load cases. In detailed results, there were 3 shear planes reinforcement in the Y direction instead of 2 |
00041743 | Fixed the problem when applying connection design for a node directly in Member (Apply CON) causing a shift of stiffening members or stiffening plates in the created connection |
00041799 | Rigid supports don't cause the errors anymore |
00041965 | Corrected results of Footing with a gap |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00040153 | Interaction check now considers the Chi factor for circular sections |
00040956 | The problem with results for fatigue check in RCS is solved |
00041441 | Fixed issue with missing sectional check result in report |
00041556 | The issue connected with stirrups modeling has been fixed |
00041795 | The report for RCS for Spanish has been fixed |
00042075 | The problem error message Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation has been solved |
00042093 | The issue connected with stirrups modeling has been fixed |
00042094 | The issue connected with stirrups modeling has been fixed |
00042123 | The issue connected with stirrups modeling has been fixed |
Version 23.1.0
Released October 26, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00040761 | The A588 steel material from the AISC database has the corrected design values |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00039362 | Results for stepped load cases in Robot were incorrectly imported to Checkbot. Ste stepped load cases are not supported in version 23.1 so they will be ignored in the import |
00039488 | The issue with importing from Robot has been fixed |
00039923 | Fixed the issue with reading the global eccentricities on inclined members, data import replaced with the correct transformation into LCS |
00039930 | The issue between Idea StatiCa v23 and AxisVM 7 (BIM link plugin) has been fixed |
00040235 | The ETABS and IDEA Statica plugin is working correctly |
00040308 | The issue with importing that occurred in version 23 has been fixed |
00040409 | Fixed import of data from SAF files to Checkbot (e.g., from FEM-Design) by improving the reading of unsupported signs in the Windows user name |
00040594 | The issue with BIM Links AxisVM 7 is fixed |
00040600 | Fixed import of members with eccentricities defined in nodes |
00040785 | Fixed the error of displaying members in the opened Connection project after merging ended members into a continuous one in Checkbot |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00038795 | The issue with a report for the named section has been fixed |
00039429 | Fixed anchor tensile force for stand-off anchor tensile resistance check formula in CSA. |
00039826 | The incorrect position of an inclined stiffener at the end of the column aligned with a connected beam has been fixed |
00039966 | For the selected error messages the explanation has been added |
00040100 | The plate behavior was fixed. It will follow the inclination now. |
00040206 | The cut operations of negative volumes were fixed. The mesh will be generated correctly. |
00040711 | The plate behavior was fixed. It will follow the inclination now. |
00040870 | The issue with adding welds to rotated plates and members was fixed |
00040918 | The issue with wrong reduced strength in weld when thick plates are used is fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00036121 | The new bond model for SLS has fixed the issue with nonrealistic deflections |
00041078 | The issue with wrongly copying load effects from the permanent load case to the variable load case in the detail app is fixed |
Licensing | |
Case # | Description |
00039541 | The issue related to the correct showing of the current seat usage has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00039866 | The internal member solver has been adjusted to allow for larger meshes as a result of bigger models |
00040159 | The problem with missing related members in the load table, which caused a crash while opening was fixed |
00040604 | The issue with opening a connection in the connection app through the member app is fixed. |
00040916 | The new version has fixed the opening of the file itself |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00035495 | The issue of wrong applying of check on the maximum height compression zone with the Dutch national annex has been solved by making the check optional |
00038011 | The issue of wrong applying of check on the maximum height compression zone with the Dutch national annex has been solved by making the check optional |
00039879 | The method for mandrel part and shear area of reinforcement calculation has been fixed |
Version 22.1.6 hotfix
Released Oct 17, 2023
Patch Fix of Tekla BIM link issues.
Version 21.1.9
Released Oct 17, 2023
Licensing update.
Version 23.0.5
Released October 2, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00039332 | The issue with slow calculation has been resolved |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00039215 | An issue with BIM Link in SCIA has been resolved |
00039313 | An issue with importing member eccentricity from RFEM6 has been resolved |
00039456 | An issue impacting Tekla Structural Designer (TSD) exports, whereby operations could not be deactivated and load cases could not be accessed has been resolved |
00039536 | The algorithm for allocating continuous and ended members when using Checkbot has been improved |
00039740 | AD 2024.0.1 has been tested for steel and concrete. All works properly |
00039862 | SAF allows the import of more than one cross-section with the same UniqueName now |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00038825 | An issue with the calculation of footing has been resolved |
00038932 | The utilization of bolts is calculated correctly. So there is a correct result compared with DR |
00038961 | The issue with a sudden change of re-ordering project items was solved |
00039247 | This issue could not be reproduced, so we have marked it as closed |
00039311 | An issue with the load mapping algorithm has been resolved |
00039377 | Corrected collision warning in case of a hole in a plate |
00039444 | Exporting a report to the doc file in other languages works correctly |
00039538 | Fixed a bug with a warning in detailing limit value of weld throat thickness for hollow sections, where the limit value should be 2,5 mm instead of 4 mm as per DIN EN 1993-1-8 – NA to 4.5.2 / FprEN 1993-1-8:2023 – 6.9(4) |
00039661 | The automatic recognition of packing plates for the calculation of the Bp factor has been improved |
00039765 | An issue with the buckling analysis in the case of two concrete blocks within one project has been fixed |
00040025 | The issue with saving the projects was solved |
00040182 | Weld definition that causes this issue was repaired |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00039208 | 1mm diameter for rebars can be input and calculated |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00037294 | The problem with the number of points in the cross-section defined by the polyline was resolved |
00037478 | An issue with the import of members from RFEM5 has been resolved |
00038536 | An issue with calculation after import from Robot has been resolved |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00034121 | The calculation of fatigue according to the German annex was fixed |
00037554 | The φef is now taken into account according to 1992-1-1 5.8.4 |
00039542 | Fatigue calculation in RCS was corrected |
Version 23.0.4
Released September 1, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00038826 | The Detail application instability when selecting one of the predefined templates for a Cross joint structure has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00036772 | Problem with IOM / Sofistic import of the geometry and cross-sections fixed |
00037304 | Error importing from SAP2000 through checkbot has been resolved |
00037337 | Error importing from SAP2000 through checkbot has been resolved |
00038248 | The issue with export from Tekla to Viewer was fixed |
00038302 | An issue with synchronizing the model after deleting some members in the global model has been resolved |
00038754 | An issue regarding combinations of combinations in SAP2000 has been fixed |
00038823 | Fixed load combination generation algorithm |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00038137 | An issue with general section geometry, which caused an interruption of analysis, was resolved |
00038389 | Issue with blank 3D scene corrected |
00038405 | Workaround was provided for instability issues caused by mechanisms with slotted holes |
00038592 | Shear resistance for anchors with a lever arm is now checked as per EN 1992-4 §7.38 where applicable, with utilization based on §7.54 ignored/omitted in those cases |
00038725 | An issue with exporting the report to .doc file has been resolved |
00038829 | An issue with general section geometry, which caused an interruption of analysis, was resolved |
00038844 | The cause of discrepancies between EPS Stop at limit strain analyses and the predicted joint capacity determined using Joint Design Resistance (DR) analyses has been rectified. The two methods should now converge to a single predicted joint capacity under the applied loading |
00038902 | An issue with displaying incorrect values for bolt forces in a 3D scene corrected |
00038922 | Load table actualization was fixed |
00039015 | An issue with different sizes of the Manufacturing operations window in the Connection application has been fixed by adding a scroll bar |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00038249 | The definition of the bent-up bars was fixed. Either the issue with the inclined bar was fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00038702 | The issue with adding end forces by related members has been resolved. |
00038708 | An issue with the wrong position of a doubler in Member app was resolved |
Version 23.0.3
Released July 28, 2023
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00037674 | Fix crashing document in the Tendon designer. |
00038285 | Beam Tendon module - fix of cable geometry import from DXF format. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00036559 | SAP2000: An error message is thrown when the user tries to import an unsupported load |
00037200 | An issue with unbalanced forces after import to the Checkbot application caused by members' opposite X-axis direction in STAAD.Pro has been fixed |
00037339 | A bug was fixed between Checkbot and RFEM V6.02.0068 and 6.02.0070 |
00037834 | The issue with the generation of reports in MS Word for the BIM link Midas Civil has been fixed |
00037845 | An issue with importing the data from Advance Steel 2023 has been fixed |
00037899 | An issue with importing the data from RSTAB8 has been fixed |
00037992 | An issue with licensing approval for Checkbot in Tekla has been fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00028930 | The packing factor not being calculated correctly for cases with multiple bolt grids is now fixed |
00035358 | Different kinds of filler plates (packing plates) are now recognized correctly, and reduction of bolt shear strength is applied accordingly |
00037172 | A new algorithm for assigning plates as packers has been developed and implemented |
00037902 | Weld to RHS - Presentation of weld results improved to reflect different materials |
00038023 | The Plate to plate operation on a circular cross-section inserts bolts in the wrong place during the initial insertion - corrected |
00038024 | Corrected the issue with incorrect highlighting members in the 3D scene when the operation End plate was used |
00038203 | Added hint for a user for non-conform cut-outs in tubes |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00034109 | Crack widths under concentrated loads are now calculated more precisely |
00038268 | Detail featured a bug preventing the user from selecting and modifying load impulses within a load case and has now been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00036517 | The issue with a wrong reference of weld edges in the Member app was fixed |
00037518 | An issue with discrepancies in the connection models between Connection and Member apps has been fixed |
00038272 | An issue when shifted endplate operation generates incorrect beam length in the Member application has been fixed |
00038455 | Weld fix for some cases of a rod with a smaller diameter and notched plate |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00037635 | Corrected wrong input in the protocol - dutch version |
00037951 | An issue causing an error in the Beam application when modifying a cross-section's parameters has been fixed |
00038060 | Fixed stability of Rcs response calculation so equilibrium is found |
Version 23.0.2
Released Jun 29, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00033180 | Compound members defined in RFEM result in defining a new user section in IDEA StatiCa Connection when using the BIM Link |
00037699 | The issue connected with swapping the material properties for the cold-form general section has been fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00035371 | Models from RAM Structural System V23 can now be used in Checkbot to import the model geometry and load combinations |
00035678 | The improvements with localization of eccentricity on the general section have been improved and fixed |
00035988 | An issue with missing material properties for concrete after the import from AxisVM has been fixed |
00036472 | The issue with opening Checkbot from SAP2000 version 24 solved |
00036744 | An issue with import from SAP2000 to the Checkbot application for a specific project has been fixed |
00036770 | Fix of an import of RHS profiles being imported as a rectangle from Robot Structural Analysis |
00036944 | The problem with importing timber elements to Checkbot has been fixed |
00037291 | An issue with importing the data from RFEM6 has been fixed |
00037354 | Fixed import of openings in general cross-sections from SAF |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00034618 | Relevant parts in the report are correctly translated now (in Dutch) |
00036603 | An issue with creating backing plates has been fixed |
00036798 | An issue with correct buckling shapes' visualization for steel-to-timber connections, when the 1D textures functionality was on, has been fixed |
00036839 | It can now be modeled without any error issue |
00037096 | It is now possible to calculate the issued connection in AISC |
00037121 | Bearing check with alpha_b is now visible if UserMode=16 is activated |
00037252 | An issue with welds between the web and flange in welded sections was fixed. In some situations, when a more complex cut operation was used, welds were not generated |
00037322 | An issue regarding anchors in an edited baseplate has been fixed |
00037446 | Automatic zooming out of pictures saved in the gallery has been fixed |
00037576 | Fix of large circular end plate connection with model convergence problems |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00036358 | An issue with calculations stopping mid-process in Detail has been fixed |
00036634 | An issue with running the calculation in Member App has been solved |
00037332 | The model was investigated and the solution was sent to the user. Specified corrupted files need to be removed to save the model |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00035349 | Allowable stress interval is calculated in the right way (ξ · sigmaRsk(N*)) but it is limited by a limit yield strength of 500 MPa |
00036252 | Fixed calculation of a general cross-section - the minimal size of a mesh element |
00036336 | Updated generation/regeneration of reinforcement, which is defined as layers |
00036621 | Discrepancies in results between Beam and RCS App have been fixed |
00036655 | Interaction for sections under 100% is now evaluated as satisfactory |
00037300 | The check of maximum depth of the compressive concrete zone according to the Dutch annex. This is performed just for beams subjected to bending |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00035128 | The issue with displaying a general cross-section in the Viewer solved |
00035525 | The issue with the wrong display of the joint with a Cut operation in Viewer corrected |
00036857 | An issue with opening some ideaCon files in Viewer was fixed |
00036959 | The issue with a Generic error in the Viewer solved |
00036971 | An issue with opening some ideaCon files in Viewer was fixed |
Version 23.0.1
Released Jun 1, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00034579 | The issue with the incorrect comparison of Fu and Fy in material properties |
00035892 | The issue with the deletion of custom materials in the MPRL editor is fixed |
00036701 | The fillet welds generation between the web and flanges in the I profile shear lug is fixed |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00036483 | Fixed issue in reduced report generation. Now it is possible to switch off internal forces |
00036573 | The information about deflections for composite sections was rewritten |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00032347 | Fixed wrong export of cross-section in STAAD.Pro |
00034272 | Exporting the complicated composite section from Beam to Detailhe will not fail anymore |
00035261 | Fixed incorrect export of force and moment components when a combination contains the same load case twice in STAAD.Pro |
00035546 | The issue with the wrong buckling factor for rod members has been fixed |
00035563 | The issue with the import of the 2U cross-section from RSTAB has been fixed |
00035697 | The issue with Tekla export is solved |
00035911 | Corrected issue with data import from RFEM |
00036009 | Fix of transfer of load combinations from RFEM |
00036120 | Corrected member cross-section orientation after export from STAAD.Pro to Member |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00034581 | Influence of shear force when using rod cross-section corrected |
00035026 | The coefficient for filler plates in the Australian Code corrected |
00035124 | The assigning of the negative volume was fixed |
00035311 | Corrected weld constraints for symmetrical beam-to-beam end plate connection to give symmetrical results in weld stress |
00035669 | The issue with .dxf is solved |
00035741 | The issue with disconnected plates of the U profile has been fixed |
00035750 | Load extreme selection functionality has been extended by one condition comparing stresses in members |
00035808 | An issue with missing templates in Connection Library due to cloud storage temporary error has been fixed |
00035829 | Operation Connecting plate when rod cross-section used was corrected |
00035927 | The issue with empty section views has been fixed |
00035933 | Several meshing issues have been identified and fixed |
00035950 | The issue with missing fillet welds after import from Advance Steel has been fixed |
00035970 | Partial safety factors for both welds and bolts in fire design are now available |
00035997 | The issue with identical names of loads corrected |
00036034 | The situation about buckling analysis and negative values was fixed |
00036095 | Fix of an error when generating a report |
00036111 | The issue with meshing around the bolt opening solved |
00036122 | The issue with missing welds of the welded section has been fixed |
00036128 | Mesh generation error - fix of a cut with an offset |
00036163 | The issue with mesh generating was fixed |
00036199 | Warning for incorrect input of geometry added |
00036209 | Welds no longer disappear when Y or Z eccentricity exceeds 1 mm |
00036226 | A bug in the Report generation was fixed |
00036242 | The issue with the discontinuity of welded cross-sections was fixed |
00036260 | Fixed blank report page |
00036324 | There was an issue regarding welded compound sections and eccentricities that has now been fixed |
00036327 | An issue with partially missing welds of a general welded section when setting an eccentricity of a member has been fixed |
00036433 | The weld size now includes intervals of 1/16 inch when using imperial units |
00036476 | The cut operation applied on Stub operation and circular sections was fixed |
00036509 | The issue with the error in the report is solved |
00036540 | Section model views fixed |
00036637 | Workaround is provided for issues with support in image in a report |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00035523 | The calculation issue of the model in the general position was fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00035104 | Corrected issue with meshing in the anchoring operation |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00034663 | The issue with the nonconformity message for the crack width check in Dutch is solved |
00034933 | The issue with minimum reinforcement in RCS is solved |
00035481 | The issue regarding shear force capacity in RCS is solved |
00035495 | The issue with art 6.1(9) from the Dutch national annex has been solved |
00035765 | The issue with the order of sections in the report in RCS is solved |
00036495 | Fixed shear and torsion interaction for zero torsion or zero shear cases |
00036620 | The wrong identification of shear reinforcement in the 2D section interaction check was fixed |
Version 23.0.0
Released Apr 26, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00034818 | An issue that generated a negative internal radius for a user-defined cold-formed section has been fixed |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00034296 | In IDEA StatiCa Beam the user can select to perform the deflection check under either the quasi-permanent combination or the characteristic one. Also, there is now a clear notification that the value of ξ should be explicitly set by the user if it is different than the one defined in the Eurocodes |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00031467 | An issue that results in some loads being missed from the Robot Structural Analysis BIM link has been resolved |
00033702 | Several issues regarding sections and load effects with the RFEM6 BIM link have been identified and fixed |
00034106 | Import of internal forces has been fixed by export to IDEA StatiCa Checkbot |
00034171 | Import of the circular hollow section for parametrized profile was fixed |
00034300 | Failing export of connections from STAAD.Pro to Checkbot fixed |
00034371 | The issue with the import of parallel flat bars from RFEM has been fixed |
00034676 | The problem with Tekla export was solved |
00034691 | The error message "Unable to import cross-section" when importing connections from RFEM 6 resolved |
00034732 | An issue with the incorrect (opposite) direction of the concrete block and anchors in the baseplate connection after the import to the Checkbot app has been fixed |
00034764 | Issues with specific operations of connections after opening the structure as a whole in the Member application have been fixed |
00034774 | Incorrect import of RHS (rotating about the main axis) from SCIA Engineer fixed |
00034835 | The issue with the import of load effects from RStab has been fixed |
00034996 | The wrong import of forces from AXIS VM model to Checkbot was fixed |
00034997 | The issue with the graphical representation of hollow profiles imported from RFEM has been fixed |
00035064 | The error message "Duplicated load case" when importing connections from RFEM 6 resolved |
00035314 | The issue with incorrect geometry of the parametric cross-section imported from RFEM has been fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00032093 | The problematic cut and weld in Connection were fixed |
00032498 | The bug consisting of showing the wrong result of the buckling factor for a rod connected by a connecting plate operation in certain connection models resolved |
00032879 | Incorrect results in checks of symmetrical anchoring with beta angle 0° and 180° fixed |
00033014 | The Connection Library template was updated and fixed |
00033735 | The problematic cut of a tube by another tube was fixed |
00033893 | Cut of a diagonal by a work plane was implemented |
00034034 | Problem with detecting multiple anchor groups when going through multiple plates and determining the effective area required for the concrete breakout checks resolved |
00034183 | The the issue with the incorrect definition of the free edge has been fixed |
00034236 | Tha tab with summary results for HT analysis has been added to the report |
00034240 | The incorrect definition of stiffeners was fixed |
00034362 | An issue impacting the .pdf export from the Report tab has been fixed, the sizes should now correspond to a standard A4 |
00034553 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00034596 | Issue with wrong results in the Developer mode corrected |
00034693 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00034798 | Problem with an anchor missing in the calculation fixed |
00034811 | The messaging of "out of scope" issues was enhanced |
00034836 | The issue with Tekla export to IDEA was solved |
00034870 | It was not really a bug, but issue was explained more clearly to the client. |
00034892 | Issue with missing Weld and Plate name symbols in the Connction app - Section view has been resolved |
00034960 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00035054 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00035229 | Issue with missing symbols / remarks in sections was solved |
00035478 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00035479 | Different results were obtained when cutting members by different methods. Now the issue is fixed |
00035490 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00035499 | Issue with missing borders and headings at the exported tables to DOC file was solved |
00035506 | Bug with green check even though u.c. > 100% was solved |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00032833 | Issue with the graphical representation of crack results has been fixed. |
00033570 | The utilization of reinforcement bars is already taken from the stress output and not from the strain. More transparent code-check for the users |
00034627 | Automatic numbering of added subregions was fixed |
00035016 | The issue with the specific length of corbel has been fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00033084 | Support options for analyzed members that do not have any effect hidden and left only for the related members |
00035162 | The bug with switching inter foces values of Vy and Vz when importing load effects from one connection project to another for members with channel sections resolved |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00034121 | The parameteres of the steel were corrected. The Category 2 was set as default |
00034492 | The issue regarding crack width calculations steel stresses that exceed the yield strength has been solved |
00034733 | Calculation of the effective width for TT beam in RCS has been fixed |
00035000 | The issue regarding torsion interaction in RCS has been solved |
00035069 | The issue with wrong Dutch explanation in RCS stress limitation check was solved |
00035089 | The issue regarding interaction of V+T to determining Fsw in RCS has been solved |
Version 22.1.6
Released Apr 27, 2023
Licensing update.
Version 22.1.5
Released Mar 14, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00032443 | The broken file has to be removed from the project file manually. Then the new calculation will work correctly |
00033070 | UIX improvement has been implemented so that the list of loads effect does not expand after each operation modification |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00031663 | The issue with not importing non-standard cross-sections from SAP2000 using the Checkbot application has been fixed |
00032090 | DUENQ cross-section and user-defined material are now imported and displayed in Checkbot |
00032909 | The Cut operation works correctly now for the imported incline member |
00032938 | The issue with the freezing of Checkbot after synchronization with AxisVM corrected |
00033200 | An issue with plate orientation in Tekla has been identified and fixed |
00033206 | The problem with Checkbot was fixed |
00033560 | An issue with import from SCIA Engineer to Checkbot has been identified and fixed |
00033687 | connection are now imported to Checkbot as expected |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00030887 | An issue with using rectangular hollow cross-sections used in truss models in the Connection application has been fixed |
00033052 | Corrected the behavior of the Local deformation checkbox |
00033181 | A bug with the infinite stiffness of a connection at specific internal forces was fixed |
00033277 | The error message in report generation with formulas switched on and timber members was fixed |
00033315 | Removed empty pages from the report in the student version |
00033544 | Fixed error in updated operation PCUT for connection projects imported from CAD software |
00033546 | The calculation of bending moment in anchors with stand-off was updated. Now, a bending moment in anchors is calculated by FEM with respect to the stiffness of the base plate. Previously, the moment was calculated simply as transverse force V multiplied by the length of the anchor |
00033716 | The issue with the missing parts of a circle stiffener on tubes corrected |
00033718 | An issue with the use of negative volumes for multiple cuts was identified and fixed |
00033915 | Fix of a stiffener weld around the tubular member |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00033834 | Incorrect visualization of the reactions in supports and their units in the report in the Detail application has been corrected |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00033338 | The issue with the missing view of the result when GMNIA > 100% was corrected |
00034056 | The problem with anchored connections in the member application was fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00033094 | The unit of curvature in the RCS M-N-K diagram has been added |
00033434 | The combination of standard calculation and fatigue was not working simultaneously. The issue has been fixed |
00033475 | The effective height of the cross-section is now shown properly in RCS |
00033844 | An issue with defining shear reinforcement (links) for 2D elements in RCS has been fixed |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00031039 | Corrected the appearance of the cut plate after export into DWG |
Version 22.1.4
Released Feb 13, 2023
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00032099 | The issue with running the Tendon module in AxisVM link solved |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00032436 | STAAD.Pro BIM link: The bug with loads not being imported when Metric units were used has been fixed |
00032614 | Wrong import of solid track section from MIDAS fixed |
00032663 | The issue with the import of XML from Modest solved |
00032862 | STAAD.Pro BIM link: The bug with member orientation has been fixed |
00032911 | STAAD.Pro BIM link: The bug with loads not being imported when Metric units were used has been fixed |
00033003 | The translation is correct now |
00033010 | The bug with exporting from Tekla to IDEA leading to the wrong orientation of strip member has been fixed |
00033012 | A problem when mapping cold-formed sections in Checkbot has been resolved |
00033020 | STAAD.Pro BIM link: The bug with loads not being imported when Metric units were used has been fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00030474 | A warning about the bolts in timber loaded out of the software scope has been added. The bolts can be analyzed in shear only |
00030761 | Welds on continuous members in the Operation Cut corrected |
00031902 | Improve the cut of a plate manufacturing operation on a circular stiffening member |
00032487 | A bug generated by activating the plate clash check was fixed |
00032508 | Corrected the appearance of clash warning in welded splice operation |
00032557 | Fixed possible crash when calculating Connection or Detail projects on older Windows subversions, solved by installing the latest Visual C++ Redistributables |
00032593 | The automatic welds are created in the PCUT operation |
00032739 | Corrected the behavior of the order of operations Contact and Welds |
00032777 | The user is now informed how to set units properly to prevent incorrect rounding |
00032795 | Spelling mistakes should be corrected now |
00032810 | Lengths of partial welds are now listed correctly in the results table/report |
00032936 | The ordering of the welds will not stop the calculation. |
00032944 | Bolt shear utilization ratio for pre-loaded bolts is now shown in the bolts results table |
00033030 | XLS import corrected |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00032521 | Occasional wrong trim of group of stirrups along openings fixed |
00033292 | The divergence of non-linear calculation when wire fabric reinforcement is applied was solved |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00032740 | The issue with bolts solved |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00032506 | The possibility of generating MNK diagram in both strong and weak directions for a cross-section in RCS has been fixed |
00032784 | Displaying of the cross-section with more parts in the second phase is correct now |
Version 22.1.3
Released Jan 19, 2023
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00031529 | Set material of cold-formed cross-sections correctly |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00029340 | MIDAS link: Nonconformity was added, and materials on the web were corrected |
00029761 | UI in Checkbot improved in the right section of the window (cells are aligned to the right) |
00031024 | Improved reading of data from Tekla and the US environment with Mexican cross-sections and materials |
00031314 | Error importing material from TS2021 to Idea Statica Checkbot solved |
00031703 | A problem with ETABS and SAP2000 was identified and a shirt term workaround issued |
00031804 | An incorrect section mapping from Tekla Structures was fixed |
00031863 | Fix of IDEA StatiCa BIM failure during deflection calculation |
00031878 | A problem with inconsistent sections, materials, and bolt databases has been identified in Tekla Structures, and a fix was created |
00031920 | Import of RFEM internal forces on members with internal nodes was corrected |
00032100 | After starting the Checkbot by the plugin, a new project can be created now |
00032233 | An internal check was written to look for certain characters in label names within Robot that cause errors when using Checkbot |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00029681 | Topology improvement in the created templates |
00029780 | Computational model fix for welds links of unsymmetrical welds |
00030900 | The Plate Clash Check warning was fixed for stiffened openings. |
00030975 | An issue with the template's application to a blank connection using the Connection Browser functionality has been fixed in the latest patch |
00031096 | Corrected import of loads using Excel table |
00031253 | AISC: corrected description of code version in the report for bolts |
00031348 | Incorrect member definitions within the RHS/SHS ranges can cause IDEA to crash on exit - identified and fixed |
00031383 | Incorrect member definitions within the RHS/SHS ranges can cause IDEA to crash on exit - identified and fixed |
00031574 | Improvements in cut operation for the plates if the negative volume is used |
00031755 | In the Connection app, the critical load case name in the Shear result table was not always displayed correctly |
00031828 | The online server was optimized for publishing and downloading the Connection Browser design templates |
00031858 | The mapping of material for Connection Browser proposals was fixed. Nevertheless, some of the old design templates should be recreated |
00031919 | Problem with weld link fixed - mesh is OK |
00032184 | MPRL import: Dimension issue while importing bolt assemblies with CSV file solved |
00032400 | Solver for partially supported members was enhanced |
00032408 | Fixed geometry data in the report table of members, which are defined by 3D vector |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00032162 | Some corrections in page breaks of the report |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00031604 | An issue with the program crash when importing thin-walled profiles solved |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00029604 | Stiffness is calculated correctly now |
00032142 | Stress limitation check for characteristic combination is now performed correctly for exposure class X0, XC, XA when Belgian code is selected. |
00032377 | A table of contents in the student version was added |
Version 22.1.2
Released Dec 5, 2022
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00030327 | Turkish regional format works correctly now |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00027676 | Atipycaly modeled beams can be calculated correctly |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00029775 | The issue connected with import of haunches from AD 23.0.1 has been fixed |
00030211 | Fixed incorrect notch cuts of members imported to Viewer for Tekla Structures |
00030689 | The issue associated with a Checkbot crash when an empty results class was selected has been fixed |
00030812 | Missing formulas for welds - corrected |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00028506 | The singularity detected on the concrete block has been moved to the next development phase |
00029494 | Issue of missing values was solved |
00030554 | Corrected the visualization of welds at inclined members |
00030783 | Fixed incorrect determination of psiM,N used in Concrete breakout resistance anchor in tension check |
00030907 | The issue with the check of preloaded bolts according to Chinese standard was solved |
00030978 | The issue with the removal of stiffener plate was solved |
00030997 | Error with changing the Stiffener type (in Shifted end plate operation) from 'Full' to 'None' was fixed |
00031009 | Incorrect reporting of Design Resistance with anchors has been fixed |
00031108 | Problems when copying loads from Excel have been fixed |
00031126 | Switching between the analysis types - error message fixed |
00031154 | Error with changing the Stiffener type (in Shifted end plate operation) from 'Full' to 'None' was fixed |
00031302 | Errors in the bolt group dialog, when a shear lug was selected, have been fixed |
00031308 | The issue with removal of stiffener plate was solved |
00031324 | Bolt bearing checks when in slotted holes have been solved |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00028768 | The equilibrium issue is solved |
00030924 | The issue with short-term losses is solved |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00030548 | The member with TT cross-section can be calculated now |
00031110 | The graphics associated with connections in Checkbot and Connection have been harmonized |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00028487 | Issue with sigma cp was solved |
00028921 | Issue with brittle failure was solved |
00030032 | Issue with RCS fatigue total lifecycle was solved |
00030321 | The name of the equations was updated according to new SIA |
00030440 | Issue with RCS fire resistance was solved (interpolation between values from table is now applied) |
00031010 | The calculation of crack width is corrected |
00031353 | We had meeting with Lukas Bobek and clarified how IDEA works, also some bugs were resolved |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00030292 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030426 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030507 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030749 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030750 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030766 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030767 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030829 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030848 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030849 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030854 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
00030871 | Incorrect import of the connection has been solved |
Version 22.1.1
Released Nov 3, 2022
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00028437 | A problem with non-linear load case combinations in Robot has been fixed. They are now imported into Checkbot as expected |
00029440 | The Clean button in the Materials tab now works with Cross-sections, Materials and Bolt assemblies to delete unused items |
00029761 | The compound cross-sections from SCIA can be imported to Checkbot now |
00029772 | The connection can be imported with the correct members and cross-sections |
00029975 | An issue with zero-length members has been discovered in SCIA and has been reported to their development team |
00030145 | The issue with saving manually created reinforcement zones in the IDEA BIM application has been fixed |
00030175 | The slow import of objects from some Tekla Structures models has been identified and fixed |
00030291 | Reported issues with SAP2000 version 24.1.0 and ETABS 20.3.0 are temporarily overcome by a published workaround until the necessary changes are done by CSI in their API |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00026316 | Errors during the process of publishing larger templates in the Connection Browser were fixed |
00028314 | Errors during the process of publishing larger templates in the Connection Browser were fixed |
00028539 | The adjustment of tensile stiffness for contact. The factor decreased the stiffness of the tensile branch of the nonlinear spring |
00029147 | The error is fixed by importing the connection again to the Checkbot |
00029691 | The overall usage result values for projects with multiple anchoring blocks were corrected. Also, the explanation message about effective areas for concrete block code-check was embedded into the result table. |
00029780 | Issues with bolted plates with a filler in between fixed. |
00029865 | Clash check warning for the operation CUT corrected |
00030005 | Suggested improvements pertaining to Fire Design have been implemented |
00030078 | An Issue with the XLS import function that changed the order of loads for members was fixed |
00030156 | Fixed error In the analysis model where there was gamaM2 used instead of gama_M3 to display the value of the overall results as was in the detailed results |
00030213 | Fixed crash of application with tube welded to a tubular stiffening member on top of another tubular member |
00030241 | Wrong yield stress values based on the plate thickness fixed |
00030266 | Wrong yield stress values based on the plate thickness for Indian standard fixed |
00030279 | Wrong yield stress values based on the plate thickness for Indian standard fixed |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00029845 | The increasing speed during the opening of the big project in Detail app |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00029804 | The issue with missed loads on connected members in some cases was fixed. |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00029818 | An interactive pop-up message regarding the concrete grade and corresponding exposure class has been changed to an informative one. |
00029844 | The issue with the missing table for the Fire resistance combination was now fixed; the table was added to the table editor. |
00030017 | The issue with wrong fatigue parameters when using 1992-1-1 and 1992-2 in combination with the Dutch national annex was fixed |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00030047 | Fixed issue with Viewer not being able to open project files containing project items with FIR or HT analysis types. |
Version 22.1.0
Released Oct 10, 2022
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00024580 | Various corrections made to error messages to help customers understand the error. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00026252 | The Advance Design 2023 Bim link has been tested with steel and concrete apps. |
00026499 | The STAAD.Pro BIM link was updated to the new version including fixes of the export errors. |
00028193 | The issue with the direction of internal forces according to the principal and local axes has been fixed. |
00028362 | Direct BIM export from AXIS fixed for tha part of a stucture. |
00028666 | The STAAD.Pro BIM link was updated to the new version including fixes of the export errors. |
00028749 | The several nodes can be merged by Merge button in the same node in Checkbot. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00024823 | User account deleted from Connection Lite platform. |
00026856 | Imperial units for the Stiffnes analysis. |
00027741 | The grouping has been fixed. |
00027978 | Issue was with import from tekla. Do the import again and the flange does not split. |
00028101 | A wrongly added stiffeners when using the Connection Browser was fixed. |
00028218 | Preoblem with plates mismatch when applying a design from the Connection Browsed fixed. |
00028359 | The problem with the stub clashes fixed. |
00028600 | PCUT operation parametes fixed. |
00028607 | RHS section import from Tekla error fixed. |
00028671 | Missing values for bolt shear forces in multi shear plane connections were added for Chinese design code. |
00028772 | CUT by Negative volume was fixed. |
00029167 | The linear stress for fatique code- check of anchors has been fixed. |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00024375 | The new mesher CM2 is fixing the error for the reactions above the supports using the local remeshing. |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00028197 | Problem with the calculation process fixed. |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00028458 | The response N-M-M will be activated as default from this version for newly created projects. |
00028890 | The problem with the presentation of the results in the last table is fixed for version 22.1. The resulting stiffness for the second-order effect is calculated correctly. |
00029024 | Bugfix has been finished for one extreme where been showing the weird utilization for N-M-M. |
00029067 | The spacing of rebars for code-check of cracks has been fixed. |
Version 22.0.5
Released Sep 9, 2022
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00028064 | The program failed after launching the Tendon application. Now it is fixed. The program does not crash. Only default prestressing load cases (PRE, POST) are supported during the TDA. User-defined prestressing load cases are not supported. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00027844 | Export of bulk connection items from Checkbot to single file error fixed. |
00027871 | A problem with member IDs preventing some connection operations has been fixed. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00025506 | Imported weld showing too big deformation for a given configuration of connection of forces problem fixed. |
00026072 | The issue with the extended base plate solved |
00027376 | The issue with the anchoring of the general cross-section solved |
00028250 | The issue with the use of apostrophes in the report notes was solved. |
00027123 | Fixed wrong determination of stress in concrete for split baseplate welded together and a column positioned outside the concrete block area. |
00027834 | A problem with member IDs preventing some connection operations has been fixed. |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00028465 | Detail crashes after removing support using the template dapped end beam. This happened in German mutation. Now it is fixed. |
00028628 | In the previous version analysis did not start after clicking on "Calculate". Now it is fixed. |
Version 22.0.4
Released Aug 11, 2022
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00026516 | An issue with a missing picture of the structural model in Checkbot after import from AxisVM solved. |
00027262 | Fix of selection problem of anchoring node in RFEM 5. |
00027621 | Export a concrete column in SCIA Engineer to IDEA StatiCa Checkbot works now. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00024319 | Problem with the name of a weld fixed. |
00024655 | Connection Browser: Fix of geometry recognition when several members are present. |
00025309 | Problem with incorrect display of fillet welds fixed. |
00025851 | Connection Browser: Duplicity of the company set prevented. |
00026737 | Singularity issue with a cut using negative volume on hollow-cross section solved. |
000027086 | Connection Browser: Fix of geometry recognition when several members are present. |
00027162 | The corrected range for the factor Effective area - Influence of mesh size in Code setup. |
00027316 | Corrected anchor area in formulas when the shear plane in a thread is unchecked. |
00027331 | The detailing of the butt welds has been removed. |
00027458 | Missing weld for Cut by surface operation fixed. |
00027546 | Analysis of a timber connection imported via BIM link fixed for N, Vz, My model type. |
00027806 | Calculation problem of a project in Chinese standard GB fixed. |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00027034 | An offset of the related members' influence corrected. |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00019865 | Improved algorithm when assessing interaction diagram for extreme cases of a prestressed concrete section. |
00024967 | Improved approach when checking detailing rules for reinforced concrete section mainly in compression. The previous versions reported a zero reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement in tension. Now due to the improved algorithm, this problem does not occur anymore. |
Version 22.0.3
Released Jul 20, 2022
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00025655 | Link to online Viewer in the starting app redirected. |
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00026448 | Corrected issue with generating member after import from AxisVM. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00026068 | Fixed the low speed of reading data for extreme numbers of imported nodes at once from Dlubal API (RFEM 5.28 and RSTAB 8.28); more possible improvements only on the side of Dlubal API. |
00026644 | Shear transfer for bolts is now correctly set after the import by the Viewer plugin. |
00026712 | An issue with the extension of a project file exported from the Checkbot application has been fixed. |
00026982 | The maximal distance for connecting members with eccentricity to one joint has been increased. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00026242 | Log in to the Connection Lite fixed. |
00026572 | Previous saved self-made templates can now be applied to new connections. |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00026172 | Lateral-torsional restraint fixed for the top flanges of CFD profiles. |
00026317 | Corrected issue with the disappearance of the cup plate. |
Version 22.0.2
Released Jun 17, 2022
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00024434 | An issue with Checkbot not recognizing concrete beams in AxisVM has been fixed. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00025509 | An issue with Checkbot not merging beams from RSTAB/RFEM has been fixed. |
00025581 | An issue with Checkbot material import from Advance Steel has been fixed. |
00025727 | An issue with the Incorrect angle import of welded I-beam from AxisVM was resolved. |
00026063 | Export of internal forces for the design of simple base plate connection from RFEM has been fixed. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00011789 | Welding of a stiffener under the circular cut of a tube fixed. |
00024372 | The corrected formula for a concrete breakout at symetrical loading in anchor design. |
00025008 | Fix of DXF curve exported from the stiffness analysis. |
00025168 | An issue with the disappearing of circular cross-section after the cut operation was resolved. |
00025342 | Reduction factor beta,p for Shear resistance check (EN1993-1-8 Chapter 3.6.1, tab 3.4, clauses 12 and 13) fixed determination for multiple packing plates and non-preloaded bolts. |
00025391 | The dialog Position in operation Stiffener is fixed to be visible with all other different settings within this operation. |
00025618 | Corrected wrong check of bolt distances when using Negative volume operation. |
00025902 | An issue with taking into account incorrect value for the distance between bolts and the edge of the plates for the detailing check was fixed. |
00025978 | Corected formula for M_{pl,Rd} in anchor design. |
00026038 | An issue with taking into account incorrect value for the distance between bolts and the edge of the plates for the detailing check was fixed. |
IOM | |
Case # | Description |
00026143 | An issue with upgrading IOM integration to version 22 was fixed. |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00023796 | Shear check update for circular cross-sections. Now a reduction coefficient "chi" is considered when calculating the shear resistance V_{Rd,s} of circular cross-sections. The maximum value of the chi reduction coefficient is 0.85. |
00025985 | Bugfix: calculated second order eccentricity was not considered when calculating the interaction diagram and response N-M-M of the cross-section. Now it is fixed. |
Version 22.0.1
Released May 20, 2022
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00025343 | Bugfix: when running the TDA from the Tendon app due to changes in tendon layout, the updated results are now displayed in the Beam app instead of displaying the old results |
00025347 | Bugfix: change of language does not cause recalculation of the project anymore |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00024261 | Advance Steel 2022 installation issues fixed |
00024994 | UI bug in inputting the values in Settings fixed |
00025279 | An issue with merging members in the Checkbot application was fixed |
00025352 | Fixed sync and file export problem for particular steel hall project imported to Checkbot from Robot Structural Analysis |
00025656 | LCS rotation bug of vertical members when exporting to standalone files fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00019166 | DWG export from Connection Lite fixed |
00024567 | Circular stiffener problem fixed |
00024671 | Fix of reading the custom values of partial safety factors in Settings |
00025011 | Computational model analysis error fixed |
00025234 | Weld around a circular stiffening plate fixed |
00025326 | Weld around a circular stiffening plate fixed |
00025533 | Circular stiffener problem fixed |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00023868 | The general thin-walled section for IDEA StatiCa Member has been fixed. |
00024299 | The general thin-walled section issues with welding fixed. |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00023618 | Revision of the M-N-Kappa diagram and fixing the stiffness points |
00024831 | Problem with determining the concrete cover layer thickness fixed. |
Version 22.0.0
Released Apr 21, 2022
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00024201 | An issue with importing user-defined forces via XML file was fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00023288 | The inconsistency between steel and concrete material after import to IDEA StatiCa BIM from Midas Civil has been fixed |
00023312 | The Viewer plugin for the Advance Steel export issue fixed |
00024087 | Corrected broken BIM link for SAP2000. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00019402 | Fixed problem with losing result data from all CONs in one project file after e.g. adding a new cross-section in one CON |
00022272 | The full extent of a stiffening haunch is now modeled and taken into account in v22.0.0 |
00023175 | Fixed detailing check neglecting specific cases with big and user-defined bolts in one bolt connections close to stiffeners |
00023256 | The inconsistency between the Axial stiffness table result values and the graphic diagram occurred in some cases. This issue has been fixed |
00023286 | Corrected exception error after calculation |
00023319 | The inconsistency between the Axial stiffness table result values and the graphic diagram occurred in some cases. This issue has been fixed |
00023533 | Corrected exception error during the analysis |
00023650 | An issue with two different groups of anchors was corrected |
00023746 | Corrected mesh discrepancy in buckling analysis of specific imported RHS hollow sections |
00023763 | Calculation error fixed (steel beam on an inclined concrete block) |
00023984 | An issue with DICAD interference was solved |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00019023 | Long calculation time reduced |
Version 21.1.8
Released Apr 27, 2023
Licensing update.
Version 21.1.7
Released Jan 05, 2023
Licensing update.
Version 21.1.6
Released May 06, 2022
We improved the way of reserving and releasing license seats in the license pool of your company. New dialogues make it easier to identify which seats are occupied/available. You can also easily define when your seat should return to the pool. Read more about how to Reserve/release seats from the license pool.
Consequences of changes in the licensing system
- Only version 21.1.6 can be started with version 22 on the same computer concurrently.
- If you want to start an older version (20, 20.1, 21.0, 21.1) you need to first log out from IDEA StatiCa 21.1.6 or newer.
Version 21.1.5
Released Apr 5, 2022
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00023344 | Fixed problem with opening older Member projects in version 21. |
00023933 | Fixed tensile stress area and bolt hole diameter for Australian bolt assembly M36 8.8. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00022807 | Fixed appearance of error "of an unrecoverable error" in Checkbot after export from RSTAB |
00023128 | Fixed appearance of error "There is nothing selected in your application" in Checkbot after export from RFEM |
00023717 | New Consteel logo implemented |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00021758 | Fixed incorrect angle value in the formula for concrete edge failure resistance acc. EN 1992-4 - |
00023018 | Corrected reduction factor in concrete sideface blowout resistance check in ACI 318 -14 - 17.4.4. |
00023061 | Tooltip for the concrete A_eff area back in the side scene. |
00023485 | Fixed problem with incorrect position of the plate when using operation Negative volume |
00023863 | Corrected description in Status field for Concrete block in the Brief report |
00023938 | Fixed problem with incorrect bolt size values in the report table |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00023780 | Bugfix: Now it is possible to insert custom images in the 3D view from the gallery to the report. |
Version 21.1.4
Released Feb 18, 2022
All applications | |
Case # | Description |
00022521 | Missing BS UB and UC sections added into the library |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00021896 | Wrong orientation of member exported from Robot Structural Analysis fixed |
00022208 | Checkbot could not be opened from Advance Steel in some cases |
00022389 | The issue with the synchronization between AxisVM and IDEA StatiCa Checkbot solved |
00022454 | Tubular cross-sections could not be exported from STAAD.Pro |
00022712 | Issues with not importing some parts of the structure from RFEM to IDEA StatiCa via Checkbot were fixed |
00022837 | The issue with unavailable button Loads in Checkbot (Import from Robot) was solved |
00022878 | Issues with not importing some parts of the structure from RFEM to IDEA StatiCa via Checkbot were fixed |
00022902 | An issue with the crash when an opening node in Checkbot, which was imported from RSTAB, was solved |
00022935 | TUBE section types in STAAD.Pro are now recognized and can be imported into IDEA Checkbot without causing an error |
00022958 | An issue with unavailable button Loads in Checkbot (Import from SAP2000) was solved |
00022976 | An issue with eccentricities export from RFEM into Checkbot was solved |
00022996 | An issue with wrong import of loads from RFEM (opposite sign) was solved |
An issue with the crash of the conversion table after RSTAB import was solved | |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00021278 | The weld detailing check was corrected and improved for the maximum size of fillet weld in T – joints as per AISC 360-16, Chapter J, 2.2b |
00022239 | Corrected calculation of concentration factor kj corrected for base plates overhanging concrete blocks for concrete block compressive resistance check (EN 1993-1-8 6.2.5) |
00022580 | An issue with the correct geometry of the gusset plate for timber was solved |
00022702 | Stiffness diagram curve smoothened for low initial stiffness values in result details of stiffness analysis (ST) |
00022952 | The incorrect value of the hole diameter in the detailing check according to SP 16 was fixed. The software now automatically selects the correct diameter |
00023083 | Fix of the report in educational and trial license when using the Russian language |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00022575 | A small gap between the walls. The check of the geometry tolerance is till 1e-5m. The calculation issue has been fixed |
Licensing | |
00022553 | An issue with running the Checkbot application for users with the concrete license was fixed. Checkbot is now available in IDEA StatiCa Concrete Expert and Enhanced |
00022817 | An issue with running the Checkbot application for users with the concrete license was fixed. Checkbot is now available in IDEA StatiCa Concrete Expert and Enhanced |
Version 21.1.3
Released Jan 14, 2022
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00022187 | The discrepancy between the friction coefficient stated in the report chapter 3 and 4 was fixed |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00020445 | When using the BIM link between Midas Civil and IDEA StatiCa, results due to non-linear temperature are not imported to IDEA StatiCa. A nonconformity was added |
00020536 | An issue with the export of the trapezoidal beam from the IOM to Beam application was fixed |
00021459 | Robot Structural Analysis: Fix of wrong identification and rotation of the plate cross-section |
00021597 | The wrong description of exported material from RFEM was fixed |
00021612 | The Checkbot interface when deleting connections has been fixed |
00021625 | An issue with only critical combinations importing to the IDEA StatiCa Connection application was fixed. The software imports all of the combinations now |
00021626 | An issue with the length of some generated filenames was identified and resolved |
00021713 | If IDEA was already running SCIA would not export the connection - this is now fixed |
00021757 | An issue with certain geometrical arrangements of bolts in Tekla has been identified and fixed |
00021829 | An issue with incorrect direction of imported member in AxisVM fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00020974 | Fixed correct choosing of plates in Bearing resistance check under Eurocode for thin-walled complex connections |
00021262 | Fixed bug of displaying long result value of Concrete edge failure resistance check under Eurocode |
00021334 | The code-check of the stand-off anchors is not valid for concrete break-out. The asymmetrical bolt operation for heavy anchoring has been fixed |
00021360 | An issue with analysis when using the butt weld in the baseplate connection was fixed |
00021462 | Fixed wrong material properties for Tesion resistance check under Chinese code for modified bolts with higher strength |
00021504 | Fixed incorrect rotational stiffness |
00021550 | When creating a copy of an EPS project item and afterward switching to ST analysis type, the calculation might have been interrupted due to an overloaded member. Fixed by correcting the process of switching the load effects between EPS and ST analysis |
00021565 | A problem was identified with the resistance and stiffness of minor axis bending calculations which is now resolved |
00021583 | Corrected calculation of Mj,Rd for ST analysis changed incorrectly to lower values in patch 21.1.1 |
00021594 | Automatic alignment of the stub with the connected member fixed |
00021676 | A discrepancy in stiffness analysis has been resolved for initial stiffness values |
00021677 | Incorrect description of distances between bolts was fixed |
00021799 | An issue with creating a report in Spanish when Formulas checked was fixed |
00021999 | An issue with creating report when Code settings checked was fixed |
00022011 | Fixed problem with applying Connection browser template to a similar node in Member. Topology and geometry matching improved, templates now also include the plate editor operations |
00022014 | Fixed incorrect result for Mz stiffness in ST analysis for symmetrical anchorings with symmetrical loads applied |
00022513 | An issue with incorrect results in bolts when wideners were used was fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00020753 | The initial state of the cross-section was taken from the ULS diagram instead of the SLS diagram for fatigue code-check. It's been fixed and the initial state of the cross-section for fatigues is coming out of the SLS diagram |
00021675 | The results of stiffnesses corresponding to quasi-permanent and characteristic combinations are now stated in the result tables in the IDEA StatiCa RSC app. Each combination contains various internal forces N, My, Mz, and critical moment |
00021769 | The blank report was fixed |
00021880 | The discrepancy between results for negative and positive settings of the reinforcement zones has been fixed |
00022016 | An issue with saving the edited cross-section in the RCS application was fixed |
00022240 | The discrepancy when creating a composite steel-concrete section in IDEA StatiCa RCS was fixed. Now it is not possible to add a steel profile when creating a general cross-section and importing it to IDEA StatiCa RCS |
Version 21.1.2
Released 20-12-2021
Beam | |
Case # | Description |
00020200 | The application displayed an incorrect value of maximal compressive stress. Fixed. |
00020345 | The precision of iteration was increased for RCS application and also for bridge load rating analysis. |
00020639 | The report of bridge load rating was fixed for selected design groups in IDEA StatiCa BIM. |
00020724 | The trouble with the Support button in the Italian language. Fixed. |
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00020755 | Error message after import of a node from RFEM corrected |
00020884 | Incorrect import of members and loads from RFEM fixed |
00020924 | Incorrect behavior of the button Loads in Checkbot fixed |
00020978 | Synchronization of members merged in Checkbot with original different cross-sections produced an error. Members must have the same cross-section in the 3rd party model unless they can not be synchronized after merging in Checkbot. |
00021065 | Disappearing of members in Checkbot's 3D scene when importing from Robot fixed |
00021104 | Loading the correct number of load cases from Checkbot into Connection fixed |
00021389 | Fix of problem with a crash when exporting a node from SCIA Engineer 21.1 to the Checkbot. |
00021422 | Import from Advance Design stops at 80 % fixed |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00020547 | Incorrect settings of tensile material diagram for Russian prestressed bolts fixed |
00020633 | Selection of user-defined materials properties under Indian Standard (IS) fixed. Weld checks specifics as per Eurocode (EN) and Indian Standard (IS) |
00020705 | Incorrect equilibrium computation from loads applied on import from Tekla Structures fixed |
00020821 | Fix of a cut by negative volume operation which caused issues with condensed elements |
00020831 | Fix of a cut by negative volume operation which caused issues with condensed elements |
00020853 | Code-check of shear for a shear lug under LRFD 2010 fixed. |
00020860 | Incorrect view of stiffening plate in the Viewer fixed |
00020906 | Bolts grade was added to the "Grade" column of the check table |
00020976 | Prolongation of the member after the last operation in the widener fixed |
00021023 | Selection of user-defined materials properties under Eurocode (EN) fixed. Weld checks specifics as per Eurocode (EN) and Indian Standard (IS) |
00021288 | Singularities due to unconnected connection parts are now displayed in the scene. |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00020593 | The problem with the solver was fixed. |
00020816 | The problem with the solver was fixed. |
00020882 | The problem with the solver was fixed. |
00020971 | The problem with the solver was fixed. |
00021004 | Error message with a mesh size of 2mm fixed |
00021010 | The problem with the solver was fixed. |
00021145 | The problem with the solver was fixed. |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00020671 | Some member models from older versions can not be calculated in version 21.1. The design of the connection needs to be re-applied or updated (e.g. change the edge number of the welded plate to match the correct position). |
00020923 | Very short line loads (point forces) applied on related members fixed to be taken into account. |
00021189 | Disappearing of displacement input for GMNA analysis fixed |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00019865 | Incorrect display of detailing results in the result summary fixed. |
00020667 | Incorrect title in RCS "Stirrups material" replaced for "Material". |
00021460 | Troubles with "Cross-section user setting" in "Reinforcement editor" in the Polish language were fixed |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00020516 | Incorrect export of cross-section to DWG fixed |
00020682 | Incorrect view of cuts and welds in the Viewer fixed |
Version 21.1.1
Released Nov 11, 2021
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00019813 | Robot Structural Analysis: Potential issue of some nodes not being exported fixed. |
00019835 | When AISC was selected for BIM link imports, ASD 2016 code was set automatically by default. LRFD or ASD code can be now chosen and set. |
00020266 | Incorrect import of double angle cross-section caused an error. This has been fixed. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00019421 | Fixed Protocol not displayed. |
00019430 | Errors found during the creation of a report have been fixed. |
00019700 | Multiple base plate anchoring models are now recognized correctly for compression contacts. |
00019790 | Parameter Ry for AISC steel had the wrong value - this is now fixed. |
00019959 | Content menu in a 3D scene connected to foundation block (stand-off) caused an error. |
00020019 | Results disappear immediately after the analysis has been fixed. |
00020095 | The axial stiffness reaches a negative value. The consideration of LCS was neglected. Now fixed. |
00020101 | An issue when inserting a hole into a stiffening plate flattens the plate and distorts the results has been fixed. |
00020140 | Previously deleted pictures of results are no longer displayed in the report. |
00020283 | An added weld no longer disproportionately lengthens the member. |
00020347 | Older drivers of an integrated graphic card Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics causes the report to not scroll has been identified. |
00020364 | Wrong coefficient listed in the text of ACI anchor check formula. Now fixed. |
00020427 | Minor corrections within the reporting module. |
Detail | |
Case # | Description |
00020178 | The refreshing and rewriting of the load cases with the same name addressing. It leads to incorrect load effects. Fixed. |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00019405 | Changes done on already designed connections were not saved in the Member project. These are now saved. |
00019985 | Legend for strain level in the 3D window was missing. Now visible. |
00020316 | Problems with operations on thin-walled 'C' cross-section. Fixed. |
00020795 | The buckling shape was frozen during switching between load cases (the buckling shape was working for the first load case only). Now works for all load cases. |
RCS | |
Case # | Description |
00019770 | Cold-formed sections can not be welded to make a user-defined cross-section. A new warning was added to use rolled sections instead. |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00021013 | The wrong cut of the member was identified and fixed. |
Version 21.1.0
Released Sep 20, 2021
BIM links | |
Case # | Description |
00017883 | A detailed report in IDEA StatiCa BIM was not exported to a DOC file. Corrected. |
00018455 | Internal forces imported from RSTAB had the opposite direction. Now fixed. |
00018457 | Improvements of Dlubal RFEM link resulting in greater stability. |
00018766 | An issue where some members were incorrectly defined as continuous after import from Tekla has been identified and corrected. |
00019652 | Axis VM: Double angle cross-section was not recognized and all imports finished with an error. Corrected. |
00019703 | Dlubal RFEM import error "The server was unable to process your request due to an internal error" was fixed. |
Connection | |
Case # | Description |
00017521 | The alignment of the stiffening member is now being applied correctly. |
00018618 | The Operation - Negative volume might cause disintegration of the member. Issue fixed. |
00019060 | Correction of the problem where a rod welded into a connecting plate caused a singularity of the model. |
00019099 | Hatched area of contact stress under a base plate now exports to DXF correctly. |
00019283 | Cut of tubular members might cause the error: "Err - nasread: Error while parsing". Mesh generator has been fixed. |
00019557 | An issue with the input of pictures from the gallery into the report might cause a crash of the application has been fixed. |
00019581 | Manufacturing operation Fin plate might cause singularity of the model. This problem occurred when notch > 0 and the angle of the beam is -180° has been identified and fixed. |
-- | Calculation of shear capacity of preloaded bolts with slotted holes was modified. Values of reduction factor ks according to EN 1993-1-8 Table 3.6, section 3.9.1 were applied. |
-- | Improvement of the stiffness analysis - the ratio of applied loads (N, Vy, Vz, Mx, My, Mz) is perfectly proportional now. To learn more check the paragraph "How are the loads applied?" in the related theoretical background document "Stiffness analysis and deformation capacity" |
Member | |
Case # | Description |
00018254 | Change of member profile was not applied to related connections automatically in some cases. |
00019240 | Linear buckling analysis was not finished when the model contained an anchor with a gap. |
00019317 | Correction of the problem where the direction of some imported members was not set correctly. |
Viewer | |
Case # | Description |
00009859 | Correction of the problem where some parts of the connections were not exported into DWG file. |
00018367 | Operation STUB was not displayed correctly. |
00019910 | Members were not being displayed correctly in the case of extension by cut operation. |