Connection Wednesdays – Code-check manager workflows

    Date de webinaire:

  • 2020-06-17T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (en votre temps local, format 24 heures)

Rejoignez le webinaire pour savoir plus de

  • Code-check manager (CCM)
  • BIM links with Tekla Structures and Advance Steel
  • Export and management of connections
  • Tips and limitations for CAD software
  • Workaround for export of anchoring from Tekla Structures
  • Workaround for export of notches from Advance Steel


Vit Hurcik
Vit Hurcik Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
David Kucera
David Kucera Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Do you want to take advantage of BIM links and save the modeling time of joints in IDEA StatiCa Connection? Well, we are proud to introduce the fine-tuned Code-check manager (CCM), which comes with the new version 20.

Join our Wednesday's regular webinars and find out how easy it is to export and manage your connections from your CAD software such as Tekla Structures and Advance Steel. We will take a look at the new features of CCM to improve your workflow. The new version IDEA Statica 20 brings a vast amount of improvements – CCM can now be used to export, manage, recalculate, or synchronize all connection items.

In the second part of the webinar, we are going to share some tips and limitations of connections export from Tekla Structures and Advance Steel. Also, we will present a workaround of how to export anchoring from Tekla Structures and how to deal with notches in Advance Steel.

Real project – AISC localized steel hall

inline image in article

Code-check manager workflows – export, manage, recalculate, or synchronize all connection items.

HelpDesk highlight – Tips and limitations for CAD software

inline image in article

Workaround for export of anchoring from Tekla Structures for export of notches from Advance Steel.

Webinar recording