Petra Komarkova

Petra Komarkova

IDEA StatiCa szakértő mérnök

További cikkek ettől a szerzőtől

Failure of long prestressed precast concrete beams
Failure of long prestressed precast concrete beams
Stability of slender RC preacst columns with brackets
Stability of slender RC precast columns with brackets
Reinforced concrete slender columns design
Trouble-free design of concrete slender columns
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MIDAS & IDEA StatiCa – hatékony BIM kapcsolat
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Composite structures captured step-by-step
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New app for concrete critical member analysis

További webinárok ettől a szerzőtől

Design any architectural shape
Design any architectural shape
What is new in IDEA StatiCa 22.0
What is new in IDEA StatiCa 22.0
Reinforced concrete ledge beams via CSFM
Reinforced concrete ledge beams via CSFM
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Reinforced or prestressed concrete beam?
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 21.0
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 21.0
IDEA StatiCa Concrete - Hot helpdesk topics
IDEA StatiCa Concrete - Hot helpdesk topics
How to define supports of the RC structure's CSFM model?
How to define supports of the RC structure's CSFM model?
Reinforced concrete frames in application Member
Reinforced concrete frames in application Member
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 20.1
What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 20.1
Summer Series – Design and chek of RC beam from AxisVM
Summer Series – Design and check of RC beam from AxisVM
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Reinforced concrete design via CSFM
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Continuous composite bridge
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Bridges – Pier cap design
Column with bracket according to ACI
Column with bracket according to ACI
BIM – Design and code-check of beams created in SCIA Engineer
BIM – Design and code-check of beams created in SCIA Engineer
Design and code check of a diaphragm using IDEA StatiCa Detail
Design and code check of a diaphragm using IDEA StatiCa Detail