IDEA StatiCa Concrete - Hot helpdesk topics

    Webinárium dátuma:

  • 2021-02-17T11:00:00.0000000Z
    (helyi időzónában, 24 órás formátumban)

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Five HOT helpdesk topics 

  • What is behind the code-check called Response N-M-M?
  • How is the prestressed concrete section assessed?
  • How does the modulus of elasticity of concrete develop over time?
  • How is the interaction check calculated?
  • Is it possible to import and subsequently assess reinforced concrete slabs in IDEA StatiCa using BIM links with FEA software?


Petra Komarkova
Petra Komarkova IDEA StatiCa szakértő mérnök
Lukas Juricek
Lukas Juricek Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Are you a current IDEA StatiCa Concrete Concrete user? Don't you understand some of the code-checks? Don't like software working as a black box? Are you a fresh IDEA Statica user and do not know what type of design members can be checked in IDEA StatiCa Concrete? If yes, register for this webinar!

We bring an unconventional webinar. This time we are not going to focus on one specific topic but talk about several topics instead. Five hot helpdesk or frequently asked problems were chosen to be demonstrated. And we would like to share them with you. Both existing and new users will get their money's worth, as the content of the webinar is designed to explain the basic principles of calculations, but at the same time, they are extended by interesting questions from our users. 

IDEA StatiCa Concrete includes several applications meant for reinforced concrete design. We will stay in the IDEA StatiCa RCS app at the webinar. This application was developed for code-checks of reinforced and prestressed concrete cross-sections of a design member - beam, column, slab, walls, and shells. It can be launched as a standalone app or as a part of IDEA StatiCa Beam, BIM, Column, and Member.

The response N-M-M of the section is one of the possibilities how to check a reinforced or prestressed concrete section subjected to normal force and bending moments. The method behind this check is also called the limit deformation method. 

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Do you know that it is possible to import 2D members including their corresponding internal forces? The workflow is as follows:

  • global model in FEA software (Axis VM, SCIA Engineer, midas Civil/Gen)
  • import the design member to IDEA StatiCa BIM
  • create a section where the critical forces occur
  • code-check in IDEA StatiCa RCS
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Webinar recording