midas Civil+Gen

midas Civil+Gen


Essential links

Import steel connections from midas Civil | IDEA StatiCa

midas Civil to IDEA StatiCa workflow

workflow item background image
Perform global analysis in your FEA
workflow item background image
Share structure and forces with IDEA StatiCa
workflow item background image
Design selected connections
workflow item background image
Code-check and optimize connections

About the midas Civil and Gen plugin

You can select any number of steel connections in MIDAS Civil and Gen and export them to IDEA StatiCa for structural designing and code-checking so you can model, design, load, and check steel connections of any topology and loading. IDEA StatiCa and MIDAS Civil and Gen give you an efficient workflow for your structural steel design that saves time, minimizes errors, helps with optimization, and makes the data available to your colleagues or subcontractors doing detailing and fabrication.

Please note that the BIM link between MIDAS and IDEA StatiCa is available only for MIDAS customers with a valid maintenance contract.

midas Civil BIM link video

midas Gen BIM link video

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Read more about workflows with midas