Known limitations for SCIA Engineer

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For now, the link works for a wide variety of connections/joints. However, please take into account yet unsupported functionality.

Limitation: Rotation of members using "α" can not be imported from SCIA Engineer to Checkbot

Workaround: Rotate the member using "LCS Rotation" instead, the rotation of members will be imported correctly.

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Limitation: Haunches modelled in SCIA Engineer are not imported to Checkbot.

Workaround: The haunches have to be modelled separately in IDEA StatiCa Connection using Operations.

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Limitation: Eccentricity modelled using the "member system-line at" is not imported.

Workaround: The eccentricity must be defined via an ez or ey value. The member system line must be set to "Centre".

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Limitation: Any components designed in Module Connections of SCIA Engineer are not imported.

Workaround: Components must be modelled in IDEA StatiCa using operations.

With SCIA Engineer version 21.1, IDEA StatiCa introduced another option of how to use the BIM link between SCIA Engineer and the Checkbot application.

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Limitation: This feature isn't embedded in the Legacy version of SCIA 21.1.

Workaround: Use default UX of SCIA 21.1.

Limitation:  Load transfer via load panels by the method - Tributary Area

Workaround: Selection of transfer method: Acurate (FEM).

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Limitation: Non-linear combinations can't be imported to the IDEA StatiCa Checkbot application.

Workaround: Explode the combinations in SCIA Engineer to either envelopes or linear combinations before the export.

Limitation: Members with LCS type defined other than "Standard" cause fail of Import to Checkbot

Workaround: When the following error appears during an import to Checkbot. 

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Navigate to SCIA and perform a manual export of SAF file. 

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If the export fails, click on "INFO" and the top lines inform you about the members that uses other LCS than "standard". 

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Locate the members and change their LCS to "standard". Recalculate and launch the BIM link again.