Bentley RAM Structural System

Bentley RAM Structural System


Essential links

RAM SS BIM-link import tutorial

RAM Structural System to IDEA StatiCa workflow

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Esegui l'analisi globale nel software FEA
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Condividi struttura e forze con IDEA StatiCa
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Progetta le connessioni selezionate
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Verifica secondo codice e ottimizza le connessioni

About the RAM Structural System plugin

You can connect your structural models created in RAM SS, with IDEA StatiCa apps. Simply save your RAM model as a .rss file and import it into the standalone Checkbot app. It means you can start designing steel connections on your RAM model as not only does the geometry of the structure get imported, but also materials, cross-sections, and internal forces.

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After importing, your structural model is displayed directly in the 3D graphic scene where you can select which structural joints and members you would like to design and code-check. IDEA StatiCa and Bentley RAM Structural System give you an efficient workflow for your structural steel design that saves time, minimizes errors, helps with optimization, and makes the data available to your colleagues or subcontractors doing  detailing and fabrication.

The BIM link is managed by IDEA StatiCa Checkbot, an application for managing BIM workflows. This means for you:

  • Import your RAM structure easily
  • Complete control over all of your created connections and members
  • A clear list of all created items, including status checked/not-checked
  • 3D visualization of imported members and loads
  • Conversion table for materials and cross-sections
  • Load combinations management

Read more about How Checkbot works.

RAM Structural System to IDEA StatiCa video

How to get started

Getting started is easy!

  • Download and install both applications on the same PC.
  • Open the IDEA Bim Links App - IDEA StatiCa will automatically detect the Installation of the Software.
  • Click Install or follow the instructions in the tutorial for more details.
  • Start exporting and designing steel connections right away!

Please note that like with most software, there is always a short delay when new versions are released and the BIM links are updated. Please check out the list of compatible versions before installing the plugin.