Tekla Structural Designer

Tekla Structural Designer


Essential links

Export to IDEA StatiCa Connection Design (version 22 and later)

2022 SP2: Steel Connections - Enhanced IDEA StatiCa® Link & New Bracing Connection Type

Tekla Structural Designer to IDEA StatiCa workflow

workflow item background image
Esegui l'analisi globale nel software FEA
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Condividi struttura e forze con IDEA StatiCa
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Progetta le connessioni selezionate
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Verifica secondo codice e ottimizza le connessioni

About the Tekla Structural Designer plugin

You can select any number of steel connections and members in Tekla Structural Designer and export them to IDEA StatiCa for structural designing. All beams, cross-sections, and operations (bolts, holes, welds, and cuts) are also completely synchronized if the Tekla Structural Designer model changes. IDEA StatiCa and Tekla Structural Designer give you an efficient workflow for your structural steel design that saves time, minimizes errors, helps with optimization, and makes the data available to your colleagues or subcontractors doing detailing and fabrication.

You do not need anything special to get started - just download and install both applications on the same PC, IDEA StatiCa will automatically detect the Tekla Structural Designer installation and activate the plugin. And you can start exporting and designing steel connections right away!


Tekla Structural Designer BIM link is developed and maintained by a third-party integration company. IDEA StatiCa does not take any responsibility for this integration. All technical requirements and questions must be addressed to the developer.

Tekla Structural Designer BIM link videos

How to get started

Getting started is easy!

  • Download and install both applications on the same PC.
  • Check the third-party provider for any installation requirements.
  • Start exporting and designing steel connections right away!

Please note that like with most software, there is always a short delay when new versions are released and the BIM links are updated. Please check out the list of compatible versions before installing the plugin.

Check out the Tekla Structural Designer tutorial here.


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