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41 resultate

Legături BIM: Versiuni suportate ale aplicațiilor terță parte

Bus stop

Bridge load rating – Beam with the import of internal forces

How to run old versions of BIM links

Joint import from older versions of SCIA Engineer

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel & Concrete 21.0

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 20.1

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 20

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Concrete & Prestressing 10.1

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 10.1

Release notes Detail version 10.1

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 8.0

Import from SCIA Engineer to IDEA StatiCa - Creating of XML file

Improved Cross-section Conversion

Selected load cases from SCIA Engineer to IDEA StatiCa via XML

Checkbot (BIM link) does not start

Export of editable connections from Checkbot

Code-check of walls and deep beams

Roof structure of the AFAS Stadium

Curved shear wall design, United Kingdom

Modernizarea unui pod în arc din beton armat, Republica Cehă