Master your connections - Shear Connections

    Date de webinaire:

  • 2024-08-08T05:00:00.0000000Z
    (en votre temps local, format 24 heures)

Rejoignez le webinaire pour savoir plus de

  • Shear vs. moment connections
  • Templates for shear connections
  • What loads can be defined
  • How to define the correct force position
  • When to change the model type of a member
  • Stiffness analysis


Gene Vallente
Gene Vallente Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
The third part of our Master your Connection series will present the shear type of joint connection. We will have a look at the differences in designs based on the real rigidity of the joint connection.

This third part of the Master your Connection series targets IDEA StatiCa users that are new to the software that would like to know the features and basic settings of the Connection application. 

Discovering how to utilize the IDEA StatiCa Connection application is regarded as a straightforward and effortless process. Although it is crucial to grasp certain fundamental concepts for precise model when designing. 

inline image in article

Join us for the webinar where we'll explore the reasons for changing force position, the appropriate model type for a member, and learn how to determine if a connection should be rigid or pinned!

The topic of shear connections and the position of the shear force is also discussed in more detail in the article When a shear connection transmit a bending moment.

Master your connections webinar series

Master your connections is a series of five short webinars for (not only) beginners to get quickly familiar with the IDEA StatiCa Connection application. 

From the very first steps to using the BIM links, learn how to use the software to be more efficient, and ensure the safe design of your steel connections.

There will be five webinars with relevant content:

Webinar recording