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Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet

National code

Mutasson többet Mutasson kevesebbet


230 találat

Vasbeton fal

Reinforced beam with openings

Wall with non-aligned openings

Magas gerincű gerenda

Reinforced concrete 5-floor wall with openings

Transverse girder with opening (ACI)


Concrete Member BETA

IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete discontinuities

IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete 3D discontinuities

Prestressed concrete I-section

Prestressed beam with openings

How to create and use a custom cross-section

Reinforced concrete structure of a multifunctional building

Prestressed highway concrete bridge

The Arch Railway Bridge

The viaduct over the Mže River

Designing MRT Viaduct

Prestressed concrete roof, Zbysov, Czech Republic

Ívelt nyírófal kialakítás, Egyesült Királyság