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27 resultaten

IDEA StatiCa Detail – Structural design of concrete discontinuities

IDEA StatiCa Detail - Constructief ontwerp van betonnen 3D discontinuïteiten

Member analysis - Interpretation of MNA and GMNIA results

Hoe voert u de partiële factors voor UGT en BGT in

Spannings-rek diagrams in CSFM

Concrete Member BETA

Reinforced column section - Second order effect

Anchorage check step by step

Release notes Detail version 10.1

CSFM explained

Structural design of a reinforced concrete slab (EN)

Assessing bridge deviator strength: IDEA StatiCa vs. ABAQUS simulations

Design and check of slender columns

ULS results in RCS - Capacity N-M-M, Shear, Torsion, Interaction, Response N-M-M

Reinforced concrete design via CSFM

IDEA StatiCa Concrete - Hot helpdesk topics

The overpass over Mze river on the city bypass, Pilsen

De Boogspoorbrug, Jetetice

Prefabricated concrete structure of a residential complex in Tallinn

Onderwijscentrum in Tallinn

Designing MRT Viaduct