IDEA StatiCa
Connection Library
Get inspired by the world’s biggest database for steel connections.
Try Connection Library
Stuck finding a solution?
Don't reinvent the wheel! Connection Library is a cloud application that provides you with 700,000+ ideas for your connection designs from all around the world.
Browse examples matching your project, find & download the best suitable model for your project in seconds!
The world's largest database of steel connections
# of connections
# cross-section types
Design codes
IDEA StatiCa Connection Library costs you nothing. You only need to create a FREE account to use all its features.
Connection Library has been created by structural engineers for the global community of engineers, fostering inspiration and simplifying their work.
Where does the data come from?
Are the connections verified by IDEA StatiCa?
Is it the same Connection Library I see in my desktop application?
Can I add connections to the Connection Library?
How can I give feedback about Connection Library?