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196 résultats

Check of steel connection components (SP)

Detailing of bolts and welds according to Indian Standard

Code-check of welds according to Indian standards

Design check of plates according to Indian standard

Component-based finite element model

Code-check of anchors (EN)

Code-check of welds (EN)

Code-check of steel plates (EN)

Why is 5% plastic strain limit used in material diagram for EN?

Code-check of bolts and preloaded bolts (EN)

Code-check of anchors according to Australian standards

Analysis model improvements in IDEA StatiCa version 21.0

How are welds modeled in IDEA StatiCa

Connection Wednesdays - Version 21: Steel design for the 21st century

Safety and efficiency in steel-to-concrete joints

Connection Wednesdays – Battersea Power Station (London)

Connection Wednesdays – Way too complex joint?

London’s Waterloo station expansion project

Steel canopy structure of Opportunity Pavilion

Base connection for a tension membrane structure - Dubai, UAE

Braithwaite pressed steel sectional water tanks