Reinforced concrete expert
Safely design and check the critical member in your concrete structure
Design walls
Quickly generate complete designs and code-checks of general walls – even for architecturally exposed members.
- Easy-to-model non-linear design
- Concrete in tension excluded
- ULS code-checks – strength of concrete and reinforcement, anchoring
- SLS code-checks – crack width checks, stress limitation checks
- Effects of tension stiffening and compression softening included
- Material models according to codes
- DXF import/export

Solve the critical member
Using IDEA StatiCa Concrete, you can code-check the most complicated and critical parts of your project, quickly and easily.
- All-in-one solution
- BIM links with other software
- Members including discontinuities – openings, depth ends, etc.
- Automatic redistribution and reductions for multi-span beams
- Non-linear deflections of cracked members

Solve unusual cross-section geometry
IDEA StatiCa Concrete lets you check reinforced concrete sections of any shape – typical, unusual, and even general cross-sections.
- Cross-sections of any shape
- Designs with all ULS/SLS checks
- National annexes included
- Fire design
- DXF import/export
- Flexural slenderness

Comprehensive reporting tool
Generate and compile ultimate and serviceability state checks (including interaction and fire resistance) into fully scalable and customizable reports.