Regional improvements in 24.1

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Every major version of IDEA StatiCa brings several improvements focused on the needs of specific regions. Therefore, version 24.1 also brings updates that will help make connection design easier in different countries.

Five major regional improvements of version 24.1 are:

Material defaults for various types of cross-sections (AISC, AS)

Default materials of different cross-section types are different according to the selected code.  In AISC and AS codes, different materials for specific cross-section types are typically used. You can assign different material to the cross-section in the Preferences section of the new project or in the Project settings of an already existing one.

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In AISC code, materials are divided into three groups:

  • Opened rolled sections – I and T sections and all welded sections created from them
  • Plates, angles, channels – plates, angles, and channels; rods; all welded sections from them; cold-formed sections except tubes
  • Hollow structural sections – RHS, SHS, and tubes
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In AS code, materials are divided into three groups:

  • Opened rolled sections – I and T sections, channels, angles, rods; all welded sections from them
  • Plates – plates; all welded sections from them; cold-formed except tubes
  • Hollow structural sections – RHS, SHS, and tubes
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All the preset values can be saved as defaults and also shares (i.e., within a company) to be used in future projects. Read more about how the Project settings work.

Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.1.

PJP welds for CSA and AS

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Partial joint penetration groove/butt welds are available for AISC design code and are embedded also for Australian and Canadian codes.

Partial joint penetration is a typical weld type widely used in steel structural design, but not that easy to model thanks to their specifics. However, it was successfully implemented into other design standards – CSA S16-14; CSA S16:19 and AS 4100:2020.

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The PJP weld type can be selected in any operation with welds.

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Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.1.

Update of cross-section and material databases 

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IDEA StatiCa takes the maximum effort to keep the tools up to date with any code-dependent but also best-practice-oriented changes. That's why the databases have been updated in several ways. The cross-section types were extended according to AISC standard (v16.0) and ArcelorMittal databases.

Updated AISC Shapes Database based on v16.0

Following the last release of AISC database (currently v16.0), engineers and designers with projects processed according to AISC standards can find all of these profile types in all IDEA StatiCa Steel applications.

Here is the list of updated profiles: 

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Updated ArcelorMittal databases

ArcelorMittal is one of the biggest manufacturers of steel, providing a standard sort of cross-sections and materials. In addition, they are innovating to get smarter and clearer steel products.

We have updated databases of cross-section and the groups are marked by 'ArcelorMittal' and 'ArcelorMittalUS' for the US market instead of the old 'ARC' and 'ARCUS' for clear identification.


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Added materials 

We also added a new material, A913 Gr.80, for the American market and HISTAR certified by ArcelorMittal for Eurocode.

 EN code:

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Added material - AISC and CAN:

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Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.1.

Through bolts code-check for AISC

Bearing check for pins and through bolts is embedded according to AISC 360 Specification, Chapter J7-1.

The calculation model doesn't take into account the bending of bolts while displaying the warning message. A more detailed description can be found in this article.

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Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.0.5.

Theoretical Background in Report updated with Italian and Portuguese

The report in IDEA StatiCa's steel apps offers you the option to change the language according to the project's requirements. The Theoretical Background has been translated into two new languages – Italian and Portuguese (Brazilian).

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For more information about the Report's content, take a look at this comprehensive description.

Released in IDEA StatiCa version 24.0.3.

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Partial Joint Penetration (PJP) groove welds

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Project settings