Who is behind the software and the method?

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IDEA StatiCa Connection was created by a team of experienced software developers at IDEA StatiCa internal team and two technical universities.

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Meet the team.

The CBFEM method

The CBFEM is the core of IDEA StatiCa software. CBFEM (Component Based Finite Element Model) is a new method for design and analysis for steel connections developed by a joint effort of the IDEA StatiCa team and two university bodies—the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Prague and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Brno University of Technology. Read more about the CBFEM method or order the verification book written by prof. Frantisek Wald and his team.


We build partnerships with key companies in the field and link IDEA StatiCa with their software. IDEA StatiCa is a part of a global workflow that improves productivity of structural engineers and fabricators.

We are AEC Solution Associate of Autodesk, a recommended 3rd party solution for Autodesk users. IDEA StatiCa works with Robot Structural Analysis, Advance Steel and Revit. We partnered up with Trimble to create a seamless link between Tekla Structures and IDEA StatiCa. IDEA StatiCa has a strong synergy with Tekla Structures.

We closely cooperate on designing and implementation of BIM links with most of the key players providing CAD and FEA software. See the full list here.

Read more about our partnerships.