Solve design issues, RFIs, and retrofit challenges faster than ever!

    Webinar date:

  • 2025-02-27T17:00:00.0000000Z
    (in your local time, 24-hour format)

Join the webinar and learn about

  • Skewed connection design 
  • On-site interferences
  • Retrofit of steel connections


Andrea Castelo
Andrea Castelo Product Engineer
David Eckrote
David Eckrote Director
Yann Gueguen
Yann Gueguen Regional Sales Engineer
Join us for a one-hour session where you'll learn how to quickly adapt to structural design challenges at every project phase: design, construction, and repair. We’ll walk through three common structural details and demonstrate how to efficiently resolve them using IDEA StatiCa.

The webinar presentation will include the following examples and a live demonstration of how to solve them in IDEA StatiCa: 

  • Skewed connection design

The skewed condition is usually already known in the project's design phase. However, there is very little guidance on designing these using traditional methodologies, and most of the time, the skewed beams will interfere with other members. Therefore, openings and notches need to be considered.  

inline image in article
  • On-site interferences

This situation commonly happens during the construction phase, so the EoR must deliver a quick solution. These interferences can include bolt pattern changes, openings on members near the connections, notches on connection plates, etc. 

  • Steel connection retrofit

 Brownfield projects require assessment of existing steel connections due to increased loads, structure reframing, etc. 

Solving these problems involves neither guesswork and overdesigning nor hours of recalculation. Our webinar will show you how to overcome these problems in minutes.  

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