What's new in IDEA StatiCa 24.0 (APAC)

    Webinar date:

  • 2024-05-08T03:00:00.0000000Z
    (in your local time, 24-hour format)

Join the webinar and learn about

  • Steel pins, hooked anchors, and improved anchorage checks for steel connections
  • Parametric templates with fast input in the Connection app
  • 3D concrete in Detail for design and check of footings and walls 
  • Free Checkbot utilizing BIM links without a license
  • Enhanced steel sketches containing all detailing data
  • and much more!


Vlastimil Konecny
Vlastimil Konecny Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
The new version of IDEA StatiCa 24.0 represents two milestones. It is 10 years since the release of the CBFEM method and the revolutionary IDEA StatiCa Connection app. And it is now that we launch the groundbreaking 3D concrete solution for the design of footings and walls.

News for Steel

Yet again, more wishes fulfilled for our users: 

  • pins as a new fastener type can be used for modeling pin connections as well as help in cases where a one-bolt connection doesn't meet the Eurocode requirement. 
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  • J or L-hooked anchors have been implemented in the Connection application to help you with your designs according to ACI.
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No more struggles with safety factors during the anchorage design using Australian standards! You can now choose to use the following approach: AS 5216:2018 – 6.2.2 (default) or AS 4100:2020 –

The integration of parametric templates into the Connection Library allows users to create and use a universal collection of templates that can be effortlessly customized and swiftly used saving time of repetitive input.

Another time cutter - automatic weld sizing and the auto-design of bolts provide faster modeling and absolutely safe design of welded and bolted connections. Discover also the set of enhanced modeling features in Connection and Member, whether it's the plate-cutting method or sliding support option.

But that is not yet the full list!

News for Concrete and Prestressing

The revolutionary 3D Detail is here! In its released BETA version, we focused on the biggest pains among the engineering community - anchoring in reinforced concrete blocks and reinforced walls loaded out-of-plane. Moreover, the 3D concrete blocks with anchors can be modeled not only from scratch but also simply imported from the IDEA StatiCa Connection model.

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But that's not all! The Detail app got many more improvements, such as multi-select with bulk modifications, faster 3D scenes, comprehensive user interface tools, etc. Its report can now be much better customized, organized, and enriched by the advanced Bill of Material.

For the advanced users and programing fans there is the new API for the RCS app. It is based on REST technology, with clients for both .Net (C#), Python and other languages and provides a user-friendly tool for the optimization and automation of concrete structural reinforced cross-section designs. 

News for BIM links and cloud tools

In version 24.0 comes the free version of the ultimate BIM tool, the Checkbot. It will replace the free CAD plugins and, at the same time, offer much more functionality to become a true hub for processing data from various software and sharing between everybody involved in a project. We have also tuned the import data stream so that Checkbot is now able to read data quickly and deal with massive projects without slowing down. 

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The free online Viewer has been revamped and upgraded with high-quality servers for much faster and reliable interaction. We now offer display of the load effects on the connection model and generation of 3D DWG, IFC, and Connection files run in the background, freeing your hands in browsing your models.

Usability and Licensing

We have activated the keyboard shortcuts and united the general settings in our apps, so that the preferences are shared across all of the you use. The User portal on our website has been renewed, and we also implemented the popular single sign-on for our Enterprise customers.

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Should you prefer the written form explaining all news in IDEA StatiCa 24.0, please redirect to the release notes page.

Register for free and join the live webinar on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 11:00 SGT (Singapore time, UTC+8).

1 hour