How to model footing with connecting plate

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This article shows how to model an inclined tubular member connected by a connecting plate to the base plate, which is anchored to the concrete block. This is a typical anchoring of a bracing member.

1. Create a general stiffening plate to form the base plate.

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2. Define general anchors with the operation Bolt grid to anchor the base plate to the concrete block

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3. Add another general stiffening plate into the right position to create a rib passing through the tube adn weld it to the base plate.

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4. Add the connecting plate manufacturing operation and adjust its properties so that it produces two bolts. The plates are shaped in the Editor to a rounded shape.

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5. The footing with a connecting plate is ready to be calculated. To simulate the bracing member transferring normal and shear force only, switch the model type to N-Vy-Vz.

inline image in article

See details in the recorded video.

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