How to code-check a deep beam

    Webinar date:

  • 2022-08-16T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (in your local time, 24-hour format)

Join the webinar and learn about

  • Modeling of the deep beam effectively
  • Local load input and reinforcement design
  • Interpretation of the results


Lukas Juricek
Lukas Juricek Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Deep beams are nowadays a common part of civil structures, industrial buildings, or bridge structures. When we can consider the beam theory or deep beam? What are the limits, where Bernoulli Navierov's hypothesis is still valid?

Join our Summer Series webinar to learn how to properly model and code-check a reinforced deep beam for the ultimate and serviceable limit state including the deflection and crack width check in the IDEA StatiCa Detail application.

Practical example

inline image in article

You will learn how to effectively define the geometry, add the loads and design the reinforcement. From the point of view of the results, you will gain a deep understanding of what is happening in the deep beam.

Summer series - How to deal with discontinuity regions

How to deal with discontinuity regions is a new series of three short webinars for beginners to get quickly familiar with the program. By covering the most common examples of complex concrete details, you will learn how to use the software and be productive and safe in designing and code-checking reinforced concrete structures.

There will be three webinars with relevant content:

Don't struggle, sign in for each of the webinars for free and calculate yesterday's estimates with us!

The ultimate solution for concrete details and structural parts

Common 3D FEA software considers the linear behavior of concrete. Design and code-checks of reinforcement are limited, especially for the serviceability limit state which may lead to the development of excessive cracks. All of that is covered within the CSFM-based application IDEA StatiCa Detail. Now, all engineers can efficiently design and code-check structures of any shape and many more.

If you want to see more of IDEA StatiCa Detail in action, there are other recorded webinars to watch, or browse our Support center for tutorials and read the theoretical background.

Webinar recording