The best steel connection design software
Your connections are getting more demanding, demand more from your software for steel connection design! Overall stress & strain check, stiffness analysis, seismic and capacity design, design resistance, buckling. Everything as per AISC, EN and other. 3D modeling and result visualizations allow you to take control of the design and test various design options for your structural steel connections.
Steel as well as concrete
Accurate design of welded connections bolted connections, as well as footing and anchoring. Overall stress and strain check, buckling shapes, equivalent stress, plastic strain, the stress in contacts, bolt forces and deformations. All components and steel connection details are taken into account. Anchor check, concrete check, and shear lug. Geometrically and materially non-linear analysis.

Case studies
Report that sells your work
Export all the calculations in a readable and presentable document in PDF and docx. You can build the report by adding/removing pictures, sketches, code-check results, formulas and explanations, bill of material. Sell your work by adding beautiful and accurate 3D visuals of the geometry and results.
Understand your connection, in 3D
What do our customer say about us?
Proven, reliable calculations
We work closely with numerous universities to test and verify IDEA StatiCa results. No matter the geometry, your designs are complete, accurate, and in accordance with AISC, Eurocode, and other design codes.

All connection types analyzed

Become a certified connection design professional
Ready to master analysis, design, and code-check skills of various steel connections for everyday engineering practice? Our online course can help you
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